US intelligence warned of the potential for violence days before Hamas attack | CNN Politics

YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to politics – 226 points –
US intelligence warned of the potential for violence days before Hamas attack | CNN Politics

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You might have a point if the majority of Israelis didn't keep voting for the fucker.

Dude. My country elected Donald Trump, but that doesn't make me a Cheeto.

This is a valid point, but to be fair, the majority of Americans didn't vote for Donald Trump

And only 23 percent of Israelis voting in the last elections voted for Netanyahu.

That's only half as much as Trump got in the popular vote in 2016.

More importantly, more voters who actually voted voted for the other candidate.

I said "keep voting", the majority see nothing wrong with Bibi's treatment of the Palestinians, although they'll be calling for blood after his failure to keep them safe.

The US kicked the tires on a Trump presidency and decided one term was more than enough.

I mean to be fair a majority of Americans never elected Donald Trump but because some people votes literally matter more than others he still won the election

Your country has been a long time ally and supporter of Israel. Almost all voters consistently choose parties which support this. It's one of the justifications Bin Laden gave for 9/11.

I know this is controversial in some parts of the fediverse, but I don't agree with groups like Al Qaeda.

I find it shocking how often you'll read comments echoing that logic, and suggesting that civilians deserve to die for the crimes of their government or leader, simply because they were born on the wrong side of a border.

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23.41% of the electorate voted for Likud in the last election.

The right wing bloc led by Netenyahu did not win a majority of votes in the election either.

In part due to a rule change, a few smaller anti-Netenyahu parties didn't gain enough votes to meet the electoral threshold, which is why Netenyahu's bloc gained a majority in the Knesset despite gaining less than 50% of the vote.

Israelis have been voting for increasingly far right politicians for years. The plain truth is that many of them are extremely comfortable with their government's brutal treatment of the Palestinians. I'm certainly not attacking every Israeli voter, many don't support their countries' policies but enough do for it to continue.

You said that a majority of Israelis voted for Netenyahu. This is not true.

The plain truth is that many of them are extremely comfortable with their government’s brutal treatment of the Palestinians.

Earlier today I decided to read some opinion pieces in Haareetz. I kept reading comments similar to yours, and was wondering what actual Israelis think. Hareetz is a paper of record and luckily also available in English.

I'll copy paste a few excerpts I found interesting. Hope you do to.

These were human beings whom Israel dispossessed and expelled, whom it conquered again in their land of refuge and then turned into animals in a cage. They’ve experienced indiscriminate bombardments before, but now the worst of all is ahead of them. Israel has already announced that all the restraints it supposedly used in previous attacks will be lifted this time. Yes, hundreds of Gazans committed atrocious crimes, an outgrowth of 17 years of blockade and 75 years of suffering, with a bloody past and no present or future. But not all of a Gaza is to blame.


Consequently, this needs to be said: Israel has held millions of people under a brutal blockade for more than 15 years with the support of the entire Western world. That is inhumane and inconceivable, and every solution to this bloody conflict ultimately includes respecting the rights of all people, both in Gaza and Sderot, to live with security and human dignity. And that begins with respecting the most basic rules as set down in the international laws of war, which are designed to reduce the harm to civilians.

Or this:

Ironically, those who cheer Hamas's deeds, believing they're advancing the Palestinian agenda, are inadvertently supporting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's long-term strategy: the existence of Hamas ensures there will be no Palestinian state. More so, it eliminates any chance of dialogue, especially with Palestinians and Israelis already committed to end the occupation. These are dark times: the fear of a catastrophe waiting to unfold. Israelis still don’t know the fate of their loved ones, everyday Palestinians are trying to survive under an all-out Israeli attack, the Israeli government and Hamas, both corrupt and bloodthirsty

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