Sydney police plan to use ‘extraordinary’ powers to search pro-Palestinian protesters and demand ID

Lee to World – 180 points –
Sydney police plan to use ‘extraordinary’ powers to search pro-Palestinian protesters and demand ID

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“Racism” and “acts of violence” are awfully vague and hardly justification for warrantless searches, imo.

I just came back from holiday in Australia. First time there.

It was a bit surprising how "anti-immigrant" they are. And it's front and center.

The general conversation when meeting someone would go along the lines of "where are you from? What brings you here? Oh! California, so beautiful! How's your immigrant problem coming along?"

This happened with sooo many people, it was shocking. And most of them were dumbfoundedat our reply along the lines of "don't believe the news. We've lived 30 minutes from the border for decades. Immigrants, illegal or not, aren't really a problem. Most work hard to try to make a better life for their families, just like anyone else"

Australia also recently (I think) enacted a zero tolerance policy for immigrants. One infraction, and you're deported. Or work visa revoked. Something like that.

This is likely going to be abused on these protestors, peaceful or not.

I recall an Aussie on here claiming Australia was one of the least racist countries on the planet a few months back. Had a good laugh at that one

It's funny because I heard the same claim from a Canadian, and my response would be the same to both those countries citizens. "So tell me about your countries native populations"

Hard to be racist if a visa costs your life savings and a kidney so there's barely any immigrants anyways... Oh and 0 tolerance for people coming illegaly on boats

It's not just anti immigration. We're having a referendum on giving aboriginal people a voice to parliament. The NO side has been pretty divisive and sometimes outright racist. The NO side is ahead by a large margin.

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Yeah, especially considering how racist Aussies are to their indigenous peoples.

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