This week in KDE: colorblindness correction filters to – 241 points –
This week in KDE: colorblindness correction filters

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A cure for colorblindness would be developed by the time gnome implements such a feature

Well, that's not entirely fair, the gnome developers are pushing the issue upstream to the people who can cure colorblindness, because honestly, isn't curing colorblindness the proper solution even if it takes longer?

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Why are people so toxic? This is a KDE post, at least celebrate the work being done instead of bashing people for no reason

I don't care what kde does. But gnome and gtk are legitimate attempts of sabotage on the linux desktop.

Then comment about it on posts about gnome, man. Or make your own separate post about the issues of gnome and gtk.

"Hot takes" about a different piece of software don't do anything for discussion of the actual topic of this post.

I mean people are going to put their hot takes wherever made them think of it. Just down vote and don't engage. Unless especially egregious then report them