YouTube cracking on ad blockers. to – 1204 points –

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Dear YouTube, if anyone there ever reads this.

I tried not to block ads, I would let the preroll go and usually not skip it.

I started skipping ads when they started getting long. I recall some were several minutes long at times.

I started leaving videos part way through when there were mid-roll ads, and those got long enough that I'd often forget what I was even watching.

I started blocking the ads outright when I would be watching a relaxing video, and a very loud mid-roll ad would blow out my goddamn eardrums.

Fuck you YouTube. You abused your users, you chased off good content creators, and now you're offering people no carrot and all stick. How about you offer to match the volume of the ads to the videos, limit the length of ads to something reasonable, and nicely tell viewers that you are making ads less annoying and that unblocking the ads helps pay the content creators.

I used to make animations for YouTube, which weren't monetized because I hate ads, and one day they copyright struck me for some very provably public domain music, but the way they did it was to insert ads into my video without my consent so they could monetize them to send the money to the scammer who flagged me. So I just deleted my entire account, fuck them.

if they're anything like cable ads, they actually make the ads louder than the regular programming on purpose to try to make sure you hear it if you tune out or just walk away. no relaxed, unfocused watching for you!

Lmao "you purposely made your stuff shit. Now, if you offered a basic service without all the shit, I might pay for that."

Bruh, you don't pay for something because it's not shit, you pay for something because it's good. By paying for a basic service simply because it's not shit, you are incentivising them to enshittify their service and offer a premium "not shit" version, instead of actually improving their service.

It's just like the people who buy the new iPhone because it actually has a headphone jack this time.

They get away with this because people don’t use the alternatives. Odysee and Rumble are actually good alternatives. No, they’re not as good as YouTube, but they’re good enough. We just need creators to also upload to those platforms. Since YouTube keeps banning and demobilising them, this problem might solve itself.

Rumble is 100% fascist Nazi bullshit, not an alternative

If your feed is “100% fascist Nazi bullshit” may I suggest you watch less Nazi bullshit, and stop subscribing to them?

Lmfao. I had literally never heard of Rumble. I opened up a private browser window and pulled it up for the first time ever.....the "Featured" was fucking Newsmax TV. Now obviously this isn't indicative of the whole site but damn that does not help your point when that's the featured for a brand new potential user

I’m not claiming it doesn’t have Newsmax on it. I’m claiming the service is solid. If you subscribe to people you care about (and you can find creators you like) it’s a good platform alternative. I’m the first to argue we need more YouTube creators to cross-post.

Well, maybe they just don't want to be associated with Nazis.

There are Nazis on YouTube, Reddit, and Lemmy. Why are you here? You are not automatically associated with Nazis just because they might use a platform. This is like saying veganism is evil because Hitler was a vegan.

Sure, but it doesn't change the fact that Rumble has a higher percentage of Nazis than YouTube or Odyssey.

Which proportion of a platform must be Nazi-free before you will use it? How are you measuring the Nazi percentages of YouTube, Lemmy, Reddit, and Rumble?

I have no problem using Rumble to find videos that YouTube doesn't have. I've done it before.

But why would content creators want to use Rumble? Unless they got banned from YouTube.

Odyssey seems cleaner, even Veritasium, who has a big channel decided to upload there.

in sheer numbers, the larger services likely host more nazis. but who gives a fuck about that? the site is run by bad people and they will measure their success in eyeballs, so you can help starve them, and there is no need to talk about how many nazis are there.

Curious, how does monetization work on those platforms? The bigger "Content creators" typically will be making videos as a job, so to draw them you'd need a halfway decent way to monetize.

They have ads, but I think YouTube pays better. Which I suppose is why creators stick with YouTube for now.

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