Thousands of Jewish Americans and Allies Demand Cease-Fire in Gaza to politics – 612 points –
Thousands of Jewish Americans and Allies Demand Cease-Fire in Gaza

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This is not genocide. The Israeli army has a massive amount of weapons with which it could commit genocide if it truly wanted to. The situation is horrible and the loss of civilians lives is also horrible but this is not genocide. Misusing that term risks it losing all meaning.

They are doing that. They are bombing an area after making it impossible for people to evacuate by giving an impossible deadline. They are bombing the areas people are told to take on the way to evacuate. The people they are bombing have no defenses or way to escape. Israel’s own government officials have referred to Palestinians as animals and said there are no innocents among them. That’s what genocide looks like before having the benefit of hindsight.

This is not genocide. The German army has a massive amount of weapons with which it could commit genocide if it truly wanted to. The situation is horrible and the loss of civilians lives is also horrible but this is not genocide. Misusing that term risks it losing all meaning.

That's a definite whoosh. Try this one: if the Holocaust was a genocide why are there still Jews?

6 million Jews were killed during the holocaust. Nearly 50% of the global population.

How you can compare the two with any sense of rationality is beyond me.

Israeli politicians have proposed killing everyone in gaza, that's 2 million people. Half are children.

Nobody serious is proposing that. Israel has some crazy right wingers but there’s no chance they do that. Unlike Hamas who, if given the opportunity, would eagerly do that to Israelis.

And Hamas has proposed killing all the Jews.

look into what causes massive population growth

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