Biden Warns Israel Not to Occupy Gaza to – 664 points –
Biden Warns Israel Not to Occupy Gaza

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Hamas is palestines means of fighting back at their oppressors. You can't say they are separate entities, because without Hamas, Palestinians would all be dead by now. Its like saying "I support having meat, but not the killing of animals". And why are you pro Israel? They want to do genocide. If the Israeli people are innocent of their countries crimes, they will overthrow the government.

A bunch of 20 year olds raving in the desert are not "the oppressors."

You are just stating your opinion.

The real fascists are netanyahu and his ilk.

Without Hamas, Palestinians would have their own country lol

Hamas is literally the only reason they do not. Hamas only exists because Israel was finally close to talking Abbas into a two state solution, which he had previously always denied.

How do you not know this, at this point?

"Yeah sure, I will stop killing you and give you your own country, all you have to do is lay down all your weapons..."

Bro it's been happening over and over for the last 30 years, with Islamists fighting the peace process:

Fact is, Israel is the only country actually trying to create the first ever Palestinian state, and that includes "Palestine"

You can debate opinions all you want but history is history.

Imagine being this fucking stupid that you think Israeli propaganda is true.

Ah yes the most famous Israeli propaganda of all, well-documented historical facts

Imagine unironically believing that. LMAO.

That's literally the history.

You're delusional.

It's really not hard to look any of this up. All you have to do is choose to be correct rather than happy.

Israel committed, is committing, and will continue to commit war crimes, while people like you will support it.

People like you make me sick. 🤢

I don't care what makes you sick

Your certainly don't care about Israel committing war crimes either.

In that I don't believe they're committing war crimes, sure

If the Israeli people are innocent of their countries crimes, they will overthrow the government.

It never, ever works that way. Seriously, name one time when a government was overthrown by its own citizens for committing atrocities against foreigners.

I didn't say it was common, or easy. But that is the bar. Looking the other way on genocide is equivalent to doing it yourself.

I don't believe in setting bars people are demonstrably unable to reach. You're basically asking people to start a civil war to protect strangers they'll never meet, knowing the outcome of such a war is far from certain. Even if you win, the damage to your country could be catastrophic, and the odds of ending up with new leaders who are at least as bad as the old ones are pretty high.

Yes, you should start a civil war to prevent your country doing genocide. Because the alternative is genocide. What exactly is complicated about this?

You're not listening to what I'm saying.

Also, why are you on the internet and not out overthrowing a genocidal government right now? Shame on you!

I am listening to what you're saying, you're making excuses for Americans who don't care enough to stop a genocide happening on their dime.

What do you think the most effective way is for an American to try to prevent this genocide? Your whataboutism isn't wholly wrong, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do beyond writing to my senators demanding that they kill the funding. So, what is your answer?

What makes you think I'm talking about Americans in particular? And when did you go from "people are obligated to stage a coup" to "people should write their senators?" I fail to see the so-called whataboutism you're accusing me of, and you sure seem to have a hard time deciding what you're even talking about.

Israelis are obliged to stage a coup. Maybe Americans are too, along with all of the countries funding Israeli genocide.

Its whataboutism to say I'm only aloud to be against genocide if I've already staged a coup. Its a completely bullshit deflection.

I shouldn't have taken you in good faith, my apologies. I'll treat you like an insincere troll if you prefer.

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