Settlers take advantage of Gaza war to launch West Bank pogroms to World – 247 points –
Settlers take advantage of Gaza war to launch West Bank pogroms


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No Hamas, no music festival massacre, 51 Palestinian murdered.

I wonder what the Israeli apologist will say.

The sad truth is they don’t have to say anything. This has been going on for decades, it’s nothing new really and everyone is turning a blind eye. If the whole world ignores it, you don’t even have to defend yourself, isn’t that marvellous?

And the same thing applies here as everywhere else when it comes to Israel and Palestine. If you’re not explicitly pro Israel you’re an anti-Semite so your “opinion” doesn’t matter (even when there’s ample proof).

But if you complain about this kind of behavior of the Israeli government and the settlers, you are immediately called "aintisemite". And whatever atrocities have been discussed in the UN security council again and again, the US always protected them with a veto.

Thats simply not right. The settle policy has been highly critized by the EU and the USA. The EU even sanctioned Israel for it.

Yes, this might prompt the harshest reaction in decades: a letter with a stern condemnation. But I wouldn't count on it.

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They are fighting. People are violently attacking the Israeli forces in an uprising. They are trying to set off explosives at the checkpoints in West Bank borders. Israel is trying to prepare for multifront attack against Lebanon, Iran and possibly Jordan.

The way they see it, if they give up, the jews are slaughtered. They arent barging into peoples houses and randomly kidnapping/raping/killing people like Hamas has.

Oh sorry, how many Palestinians have been killed in the West bank by peaceful settlers?

You have to look at the situation as it is. The amount of people dying is attributed to their clashes not because the israelis are going out of their way to slaughter people.

Really? I got a different impression of all the reports of settlers killing unprovoked Palestinians. Mind you, the relatives of the deceased rarely get any justice from the Israelian part for those killings.

The israeli 'settlers' are propping up what are essentially tents for their herd and familes in rural parts of West Bank. Palestinians get angry. They get in eachothers faces. The Israeli forces come into to break it up. The Palestinians get in the militarys faces. They start attacking them and attacking the barracks for the checkpoints with firebombs. They get shot. "My baby would never do that" comes on tv. Pikachu face. there is even a Wikipedia page dedicated on the violence

And believe me I can find a lot more articles even from human rights watch groups.

Uhhh... i have no idea what you are trying to prove here. Im not saying people arent getting killed, im saying context matters. What you are essentially showing is a contextless story clickbait for circlejerk purposes.

Ah yes, everything that doesn't align with your point of view is trash, even Wikipedia.



We are talking about 2 different things

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