Berlin: 174 arrested at unauthorized pro-Palestinian events to World – 92 points –
Berlin: 174 arrested at unauthorized pro-Palestinian events – DW – 10/19/2023

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"Unauthorized demonstration". Ah, democracy.

when government banned them for a good reasons (in this case probably violence and antisemitism) they are unauthorized.

They did the same for the anti vaccer dipshits of the "querdenker" movement during the corona pandemic.

Yeah, love all the armchair political commentators on lemmy. I live in Berlin, what's happening in the Neukölln district of Berlin has nothing to do with peaceful protests. It's a whole bunch of "kill all Jews" mixed with a hefty dose of "burn it all!", and somehow it's always a giant mob of violent men in their twenties, who aren't exactly paragon of empathy and diversity, imagine that.

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Every authoritarian government always has good reasons to ban demonstrations.

Ah yes, the authoritarian government of current day checks.notes Germany?

Fascism is what you do, not who you are.

These "protesters" are the actual fascists. They literally parrot ideas and shout slogans which were popular among the NSDAP, and throw molotov cocktails at synagogues.

Last time a German democracy accepted a movement like this as an equal among other political ideas, we ended up with the Third Reich.

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Well, yeah, advocacy for genocide isn't exactly something a functional democracy should tolerate.

Voicing your preference to have a state of Palestine that is not occupied by a different country is not quite the same thing as advocacy for genocide. Germans fought long and hard for their right to demonstrate.

Sure. But they're not protesting for a two-state solution, they're cheering on Hamas.

That’s something that should definitely be kept under control. But denying Palestine events just because they’re Palestine (also happening in Germany) is something I can’t support.

„Bei gravierenden Ereignissen, welche die Öffentliche Sicherheit oder Gesundheit gefährden, können Regierungen Notstandsgesetze anwenden, welche neben der Versammlungsfreiheit auch das Demonstrationsrecht einschränken. Die Einschränkungen der Versammlungsfreiheit und des Demonstrationsrechts während der Corona-Krise sind jedoch Einschränkungen einzelner Grundrechte und nicht mit den Notstandsgesetzen zu verwechseln, die weiter gefasst sind. Diese Gesetze wurden am 28. Juni 1968 verabschiedet, Anwendung fanden sie bislang noch nie.[2][3]“

Einschränkungen einzelner Grundrechte

Ich glaube, irgendwer versteht das Wort "Grundrechte" nicht, und ich bin mir nicht ganz sicher, wer es ist, tippe aber auf die Regierung.

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