Tesla owners fuming as they get £17,000 bill to fix car after 'driving in rain'

DeadNinja@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 522 points –
Tesla owners fuming as they get £17,000 bill to fix car after 'driving in rain'

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Because millions of people cannot change at home. They don't have a garage to charge in.

Not to mention you will need a "gas station" for long distance driving anyways. Might as well have one infrastructure that serves both purposes.

In fact, this is how the ICE car won over BEVs in the first place. ICE cars were invented before the gas station, but the gas station allows ICE cars to be ubiquitous and available for everyone. As a result, BEVs died out in the early 1900s.

You do realize hydrogen technology can also evolve? FCEVs of the future will be better than FCEVs of today. Furthermore, fuel cells are basically batteries anyways. The moment you start talking about metal-air batteries is the moment you admit defeat, because hydrogen fuel cells are basically hydrogen-air batteries.

There are about 44 Hydrogen fueling stations in the USA right now. Every home and parking structure damn near has at least a power outlet.

Today you can do a cross county road trip with an EV. You can not do that with a Fuel Cell. I don't see that changing. Batteries are just more convenient.

Same could be said of BEVs not that long ago.

And no, it will never be more convenient than a chemical fuel. Once there are more hydrogen stations, no one will bother with slow recharging.

Nobody will? We already do. 🤣

Then why does everyone complain about long recharge times, or long lines at fast charging stations?

Look, you don't have to lie to yourself anymore. There's a technology that can reduce refueling/recharge times to that of a gasoline car. Might as well start talking about the next big idea, not prop up the outdated one.

Look, you don't have to lie to yourself anymore.

This is called projection.

Wrong. Again, my goal is to solve climate change. You're making shit up about why this is happening.

Like I said, you no longer have to lie to yourself about the limitations of BEV. An FCEV refuels in 5 minutes, solving this problem completely. Unless you think I'm making this up, then you are the one projecting here.

Unless you think I'm making this up

We all think you are insecure and borderline mentally ill, if that's what you mean.

The proof is in the pudding. The market has spoken and nobody is buying your pipe dream.

You lost. Get over it.

Says the man stuck in 2015, totally abandoned by the entirety of the political left.

You're just a brainwash fool at this point. Still chasing the lies of this one Fascist dude as if the rest of world still believes those lies.

If your goal is to solve climate change then why are you spending all this energy bickering about how you think hydrogen cars are better than EVs? Everyone driving a hydrogen car isn't going to solve climate change.

By itself, no. But you can power basically anything with hydrogen. Pretty much all of industry will switch to hydrogen. Same is true of most of transportation. It's just the BEV fanatic crowd that suddenly has an issue with passenger cars also being powered by hydrogen. In reality, it is a big revolution across many sectors. That will in fact solve climate change or at least greatly reduce the problem.

Guess what, bud, you can power basically anything with electricity too. Electricity even powers hydrogen vehicles!

Actually no. You actually need a chemical fuel in a lot of cases.

A hydrogen car is basically an EV but with a vastly more energy dense battery. Hence why it is a better idea than a BEV.

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Those people who don't have a garage to charge in? They're parking their cars somewhere, and odds are those parking spaces are within 100 yards of a power line.

Electric cars charging at a parking lot for all-electric vehicles in Oslo, Norway

Heck, countries where it's cold enough that gas cars need block heaters to be able to start have had parking lots wired for power for decades.

Like on the street or some random parking lot.

Hydrogen allows for converting gasoline stations to hydrogen. That is the simplest and in fact cheapest solution.

You can't just pour hydrogen into the underground tanks, you know? You aren't really reusing anything but the land, and you could do something else with it if the gas station wasn't there.

You might as well claim that EVs let you reuse gas stations as charging stations. All you need to do is install completely new charging stations.

You store hydrogen in underground salt caverns on the large scale. Similar to how natural gas works. Above-ground tanks for local storage, and move via pipelines for the most part. It is not a perfect replacement for gasoline, but it is close enough.

The reason why you reuse gas stations because that's what's actually happening. Hydrogen stations are just converted gas stations in most cases.

Where on earth do you think your local 7-11 is going to come up with underground salt caverns?

We don't even have pipes for gasoline and it doesn't soak through steel. Nobody's paying to dig up all the roads and footpaths necessary to build hydrogen pipelines across town and replace them when the hydrogen turns them brittle.

Local hydrogen stations will probably use above-ground tanks.

Hydrogen pipelines are 10x cheaper than wires. It's not some inconceivably huge cost.

It should be added that environmentalist have been screaming for massive investment in green energy, and that cost is of secondary importance. We shouldn't suddenly become hard-right conservatives here. As long as costs are reasonable, it is fine.

Wasting 2/3 of the energy we generate by turning it into hydrogen and back isn't a green solution. It means we need to triple our electricity generation and keep coal and gas plants running for a lot longer.

Funny how the 20% efficiency of photovoltaic panels never bothered you.

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