Trump Tells Supporters ‘Don’t Worry About Voting’ On Election Night

Flying to politics – 876 points –
Trump Tells Supporters ‘Don’t Worry About Voting’ On Election Night

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What is over exactly?

Why do you say "he probably will" as if it was a done deal?

Are you a trump shill?

@spaceghoti hit the high points. The presumptive nominee for President of the United States for one of two major parties is openly fascist, with exactly zero consequences. He has a lot of people on his side, many of whom are already in positions of power in government, in all three branches, and in the press.

There have been plenty of opportunities for consequences to be laid upon these people who are still working to overthrow the foundations of democracy. None have been laid. None. I have zero faith in the ability of a democratic government to be able to put down this fascism.

Are you a trump shill?

You are free to browse my comment history to make your own judgment on that. Or go fuck yourself, your choice.

"Go fuck yourself"

Ok, I deserve that for insulting you.

But moving on, I disagree with you. If he couldn't overturn the elections while being president, he won't be able to do shit now.

You forgot the "or ... your choice" part.

We will disagree until at least powerful fascists see real consequences. This very post is about Trump telling his followers to go strongarm polling places, voters, and election workers. And they will. They've already made life hell for some election workers. They've already been threatening House members over the Speaker votes.

It's getting worse, not better. It will continue to get worse. A lot worse. More people will die, and as yet, the people who are fomenting terrorism with their speech are not being held accountable at all.

There is no reason why good cannot triumph as often as evil. The triumph of anything is a matter of organization. If there are such things as angels, I hope that they are organized along the lines of the Mafia.

  • Kurt Vonnegut, The Sirens of Titan

Let's not throw in the towel, as dire as things look. It's not over yet. Organize.

Good plays by rules, evil doesn't. Good only wins by having overwhelming numbers. Just a majority won't do it.

It's sort of the strength of rules which is the advantage of good, though. The advantage of evil, short term gains, is great. In the short term. The thing about fascists is that they really actually can't make the trains run on time, or sustain any level of state for any extended period of time, because they're incapable of actual coalition building without self-sabotage. It's why they keep having to move to beating on the most extremely marginalized in society. After trans people, I have no idea what the hell they'll scapegoat, because they're already scraping at the bottom of the barrel there. It was incredibly unpopular to overturn abortion, it will be the same with pretty much any other healthcare, or really anything that's actually core to what they want to do once they get power. None of this is to say that they shouldn't be feared, but we didn't stay in the great depression, and we didn't stay in the company towns, you know? People faced with nothing left to lose have every reason to fight establishment power, and fascists and fascism does nothing if not create people with nothing left to lose.

I think you're not getting what I'm saying.

When Side A plays by rules, and Side B doesn't, then an overwhelming majority in Side A is required to hold Side B accountable. Side B doesn't need a majority - they can be a "moderately strong minority" - as long as they're willing to break the rules, refuse to comply, and act with enough threat of or actual violence, Side B wins.

There has already been actual violence, but the threat of more and greater violence is larger. Side A has to hold Side B accountable, for real, no matter what threats are made.

There's been no accountability, Side B is continuing to break the rules, with impunity.

I disagree with you. It's not getting worse. The peak was Jan 6.

And a lot of supporters have realized that Trump abandoned the Jan 6 constitutional traitors.

You're a fucking fool if you think the peak was Jan 6. Are you familiar with the Beer Hall Putsch?

No. Enlighten me without resorting to name calling, then.

Edit: it's a nazi era event. You win Godwin's Award of the day.

Lol "Godwin" that means I can ignore everything you say!

If you say so. Or you could, you know, learn something.

These people are literally open fascists. Comparing their actions to that of the Nazis is completely fucking appropriate.

The Nazis didn't take power their first try. Their first insurrection (the Beer Hall Putsch) failed, and Hitler and his fascist buddies got slaps on the wrist.

Then they did it again and that time they didn't fail. With something like only ~30% popular support.

Thanks for the info. Now was that fucking difficult?

If you're gonna go through life relying on random people to explain things to you, especially when the Internet exists, you should be more polite about it

They're saying democracy in the US is over. The slow walk of prosecutions against the Jan. 6th insurgents, particularly its organizers, has given the fascists the confidence to do it again at a national level. We'll either have to fight back with equal violence, flee, or submit to their dictatorship.

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