In Russia, a woman reported a blue blanket on a yellow balcony to the police. Shortly after, she received thanks for her vigilance and the blanket was taken down. to – 277 points –



In Russian Belgorod, a woman reported a blue blanket on a yellow balcony to the local security department. She wrote that "measures need to be taken".

Shortly after, she received thanks for her vigilance and a report that the blanket was taken down, accompanied by a photo.

Russian paranoia is blooming.


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Wow, such fast response! What a shit show.

Yeah holy shit, wish my property management was half as fast! No AC? No problem!

oh the lady who reported it still does not have ac but that blanket has been terminated with prejudice.

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I used to live in Russia and it would take them months to replace a lightbulb in a hallway. So this response time is truly miraculous.

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Wow, such fast response!

The roof appears to be wet in the first image. It's dry in the second. I doubt that they're that close in time.

EDIT: Though the timestamps claim that these are close in time. Hmmm.

Could be a trick or the light. Looks like they were taken by separate cameras. The second image appears to be from a lower angle, so the wet spots could be reflecting the gray sky making it look the same as the wall in the 2nd shot.

Or everything is fake and were in a Boltzmann brain.

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