In Russia, a woman reported a blue blanket on a yellow balcony to the police. Shortly after, she received thanks for her vigilance and the blanket was taken down. to – 277 points –



In Russian Belgorod, a woman reported a blue blanket on a yellow balcony to the local security department. She wrote that "measures need to be taken".

Shortly after, she received thanks for her vigilance and a report that the blanket was taken down, accompanied by a photo.

Russian paranoia is blooming.


Hi Officer, I was watching cartoon and there's those blue hairs on that yellow skin.

Homer: Marge! Marge! They're calling you a war crime on the TV again.

Marge: Oh Geez. If people would just talk over their differences, they'd find they have a lot of other things to hate each other for.

Lisa: But Moooooommmmm, Russia is the aggressor in this state, and Ukraine has the right to defend itself!

Bart: Aggressive like my farts. And more deadly then Russian bombs.

Lisa: Moooom. Bart is becoming a mouth piece of the Russian state again!

Homer: Enough you two, I told you not to argue geo-politics, when I am not sober. And not during football season.

Bart: But you're never sober....

Homer: Exactly. new beer can opens

Do you write for the Simpsons? Because that was terrible

Word on the street is that the Simpsons is good again, actually.

Wow, such fast response! What a shit show.

Yeah holy shit, wish my property management was half as fast! No AC? No problem!

oh the lady who reported it still does not have ac but that blanket has been terminated with prejudice.

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I used to live in Russia and it would take them months to replace a lightbulb in a hallway. So this response time is truly miraculous.

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Wow, such fast response!

The roof appears to be wet in the first image. It's dry in the second. I doubt that they're that close in time.

EDIT: Though the timestamps claim that these are close in time. Hmmm.

Could be a trick or the light. Looks like they were taken by separate cameras. The second image appears to be from a lower angle, so the wet spots could be reflecting the gray sky making it look the same as the wall in the 2nd shot.

Or everything is fake and were in a Boltzmann brain.

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Good old Stasi telling.

I just went to the Stasi Museum in Berlin last year. Holy fuck that was frightening.

In general, the Stasi were fucked up, but their ability to lie/brainwash/indoctrinate and make citizens believe that they had an actual duty to report their neighbors was hella insidious.

On top of everyone just being afraid that the Stasi was spying on them so they just said whatever they could about Joe and Tanya down the street to get out from under the Stasi eye. quickly we forget as a society. The Stasi were actually around in my lifetime, and I'm only mid-30s.

The Stasi was the Gestapo 2.0, everything they couldn't do in the Third Reich the perfected in the GDR.

That woman 100% got someone killed over a blue blanket.

in Russian Belgorod, a Karen narced about


What is the Russian equivalent of Karen?

I don't know about russia, but here in Ukraine I didn't know any name or naming that was used for a "Karen". There was no such concept before The Karen appeared as a meme. So here in Kyiv we call them Karen. At least I am not aware of any other naming.

I do note that no other balcony is yellow. One wonders why that one is. I suspect someone died for this. Poor sod.

Cannot believe she thinks Ukraine is to blame for the Russian invasion! Well, I guess I can. But it seems so odd and uninformed, even so.

"A country at war with us"?

Fuck that. How many millions of Americans thought Afghanistan was at war with us I wonder. Stupid people suck.