Anti-Semitic incidents in US up about 400% since Israel-Hamas war began: Report to – 213 points –
Anti-Semitic incidents in US up about 400% since Israel-Hamas war began: Report

Antisemitic incidents in the United States rose by about 400% in slightly over two weeks since war broke out in the Middle East after Palestinian Islamist group Hamas attacked Israel on Oct. 7, advocacy group Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said Wednesday. Read more at


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In my country, the most leftist of leftists started targeting and harassing Jewish businesses with pro-palestine propaganda

If that ain't the most fascistic thing an "anti-fascist" has ever done, I don't know what it is

This coming from someone who thinks "pronoun usage is BS," who thinks American natives are "white people cosplaying" and thinks Mexican natives don't exist and are all of Spanish decent.

My "shit fascists say" detector is off the charts right now.

Holy shit how low must your reading comprehension skills or how twisted must your mind be to understand that

If I'm twisted for "understanding that" what does that make you for saying these things in the first place?

You're doing great buddy, keep it up

If your objective is to be as annoying as a pimple in the ass you're doing great

Why call them leftist at that point?

Idk, but something something horseshoe "theory"(keeps getting more factual)

Not even close. Try and compare anarchism to fascism - you can't.

Both end up having gangs of thugs beating up dissenters

Nope. Anarchism has nothing to "dissent" to - no authority, no hierarchy, no state. Please read more before speaking on things of which you have no understanding.

Anarchism literally has the most dissenters, as the vast majority of humans want some form of state

Got a source for the idea that most people like to be stepped on? I myself believe most people have more self respect than wanting to be ruled.

Aside from the English. We seem to have a serious dom fetish.

Yes, most people want someone that stops the guy they have in front of them from brutally killing them

Three questions:

  1. Why is there a guy trying to kill you?

  2. Why is no one else helping?

  3. Why must it be a state, rather than any group of people?

Answer them as honestly as you can. You may find your mind changing.

1.because he wants my stuff

2.because most people don't want to take the risk

3.because it is above people fighting each other. That guy could have called his gang and impose himself over the rest

1.because he wants my stuff

Interesting. What stuff? Food, house, shiny car? Be more precise.

If food or housing - why does he not already have access to these? This is allegedly an anarchist society, which would offer these things freely to people who need them. Why has this person not been given them? Your story is inconsistent.

2.because most people don’t want to take the risk

Are you sure about that? Do you have a source proving that most people don't want to help people because of risk, inherently, as a part of human nature itself, rather than as a result of our hyper individualist and hierarchical society that operates on zero-sum rules - helping others means you lose something of your own.

3.because it is above people fighting each other. That guy could have called his gang and impose himself over the rest

A state is not "above people fighting each other". States are the entities which enact the most violence in this world, and have been for all of history. States rely on violence - at the local level with police, to keep citizens in line, and on the world stage using wars to get what they want.

You cannot say states are above violence with a straight face if you have any knowledge of history and society.

1."If I make up an utopia he'd have whatever he likes"

  1. Yes, self-preservation is the most natural instinct

  2. if the state (that has been chosen by voters) uses violence against you, you might be worth the effort

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