Steam News - Introducing SteamVR 2.0 to – 172 points –
SteamVR - Introducing SteamVR 2.0 - Steam News

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This is a very rushed update. SteamVR on Windows will be lacking some features a lot of people got used to, but it runs. (Main one I ran into so far is screenshot management, but a lot of the big picture mode UI is not accessible due to a controller being required to push buttons)

SteamVR on Linux however, is a complete mess. It was also a mess on SteamVR 1.x, but 2.0 broke so many things. Launching any of the included apps such as room setup, changing settings, taking screenshots. I really hope they add the last 1.x version as an update branch for compatibility reasons, 2.0 is simply not ready on Linux.

Also, good luck everyone on the keyboard. It's supposed to have support for using multiple controllers, but it has been dropping and duplicating keypresses for me.

That's a shame, I was hoping they would improve Linux support considering how much Valve doesn't want to rely on Windows.

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To be entirely honest SteamVR has never worked for me on Linux and this is the first time it has launched at all.

This is one of the last things holding me to Windows on my gaming PC. Last time I tried it in Linux I could not get it to recognize my Vive properly.

X or Wayland? I had lots of issues with Wayland and X seemed to work a lot better. I still prefer to do VR on Windows.

Both. X has trouble with launching steam VR and Wayland tries displaying to the headset like its a real screen.

Also where is the button to make steamvr the openxr default? I was using the beta and there just wasn't one like there was in SVR 1

As someone who uses a Quest, I occasionally have to swap it to occulous and even VirtualDesktop has their own now.

It should pop up on the desktop steam vr window thingy if it's not default

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