New Speaker Mike Johnson Blamed School Shootings on the Teaching of Evolution to Mildly – 565 points –

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Just when I honestly can’t think conservatives could go any further out of their way to embarrass America than they already do….

They elect people like [INSERT GENERIC WEALTHY WHITE MAN].

Obama would like to have a word.

Obama is a Democrat. I doubt many conservatives voted for him

At this point, I think most people who qualify as merely conservative are Democrats. The Republican party in general has moved far right of "conservative" and well into "fanatical".

They elect people like [INSERT GENERIC WEALTHY WHITE MAN].

Obama's non-white and was elected, but i keep forgetting the rule of all evil is cis white (rich) males. My bad.

Obama's non-white and was elected

But not by conservatives, which is what the comment you replied to said.

Try doing more reading and less sassy quipping.

And lessen the quality of the internet? Surely you jest.