How do poor people in the states give birth without money? to No Stupid – 398 points –

I’m Canadian. And I’m already sorry for asking an ignorant question.

I know you have to pay for hospital visits in the states. I know lower economic status can come with lower access to birth control and sex education. But then, how do they afford to give birth? Do people ever avoid hospital visits because they don’t feel like they can’t afford it?

Do hospitals put people on a payment plan? Is it possible to give birth and not pay if you don’t have the means? How does it work in the states?

How does it all work?

Again. Canadian. And sorry.


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Yeah, just the American version

It affects where you can rent housing, what houses you can buy, whether you can get a car, etc

Love how everyone went insane with the social credit score while you got the same shit done to you and no one batted an eye

US credit score won't get you sent to jail or a re-education camp, at least. At least, not yet.

It can impact everything in your life, even jobs and housing now. It's practically the same thing except instead of being forced to live in a camp you're living on the street.

And if you dare get together with other people that are forced onto the street and make a camp together somewhere isolated, the government tears it down and evicts you and destroys your things. Thank god for our freedom.

Well if it’s the free market abusing us it’s okay. That’s just freedom.

I mean it's not like your credit score immediately gets affected for something like jaywalking though.

I'm not sure that's entirely the bar we should be aiming for

It can even impact being hired for jobs. Low credit score? You might be untrustworthy or motivated to steal

It's not comparable at all. In the US your credit score only goes down if you borrow money and don't pay it back. If you get a loan and pay it back on time your credit score will be fine.

I'm not super familiar with the Chinese credit system, but I think it's effected by a lot more. What kind of products you buy, how much you work, posting certain content online, etc.

Yes these systems are not in any way whatsoever comparable to each other except in being reputation rating systems.

“What? A bank wants to know if you defaulted on the last loan you took? What is this?? Totalitarian China???”

Not only American. We in Germany have shit like that and most other European nations have it as well afaik

It exists in most places from what I can tell, but the specific implementation may differ

The technology of loan risk assessment? Yes, it exists worldwide, all banks are doing it. But there is a wide chasm between

"when I show up asking for a loan bank will xray all my previous financial history and craft its offer from that" in Europe (at least my country) and

"credit score is a houshold term, people employ lifehacks to improve it and you're screwed if it's bad because half of everything runs on credit".

There's also the fact that credit rating agencies in North America have hardly any supervision and are prone to make mistakes because they take correlated data by face value.

I think my credit report still says I work at "DOMINOES" after like 5 years of not being there. It doesn't effect anything, but I get mild amusement out of it being misspelled on top of that.

I don't have a credit score, and have never had a problem renting. It's getting a mortgage that I can't do without a partner who's been consistently paying off a credit card for decades.

My credit score wasn’t good enough, so I had to show the last place I rented 6 months of my employers payments to rent

I’ve never missed a payment, nor do I have any debt. I just don’t exist in the system enough to rent