Israeli forces attack Gaza's main city from two directions to World – 92 points –
Israeli forces attack Gaza's main city from two directions

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If what happens in Gaza, happens to any western country the outcry would be enormous but right now they only turn a blind eye.

If any other country but Israel had thousands of rockets fired at it, there would be a massive outcry. Instead we have people cheering.

Can confirm, several rockets everyday. Checkout insta/snaps of people in the south. they are used to it now, drinking coffee and watching oncoming missile from Gaza. This is a very asymmetric war and people cheer a side because the other side has protections in place. Very weird times

What bullshit drink are you consuming? The Iron Dome has only a 90% success rate, so 10 % of the rockets come through. Those rockets maim and kill civilians.

The drink where I have to go to the bunker every now and then. My point was that the Israel defense system is pretty cool and the casualties per missile fired is much less than the other side.

Can you tell us how many maimed and injured civilians there are on both sides of this conflict before the 7th of October. I can tell you, according to OCHA:

  • 152.560 Palestinians are injured, vs.
  • 6.307 Israelians


And just for context the armed wing of Hamas is believed to be around 30K. How come the most "moral army in the world" has managed to injure and continues to kill and maim so many people, who evidently have nothing to do with Hamas?!?

Is this a proportionate measure? You should really question yourself how you would feel if you were on the other side of the fence.

And a friendly reminder that calling someone's opinion a bullshit does not speak too highly of yourself.

The only difference now is that you are cheering when civilians are killed now in Gaza?

I'm not cheering. But I do think that, if it ends with the removal of Hamas, it is a necessary evil. Remember that Hamas started this escalation and that Hamas could end it at any time by releasing the hostages and surrendering.

And my concern is even if they manage to dismantle Hamas, there would be another terror group that would fill the vacuum left after Hamas.

You can't seriously expect that after all this, people in Gaza won't radicalize. They are going through hell. And let's not forget that the majority of those people are living peacefully, are not part of Hamas and haven't voted for Hamas. Why should they suffer?

And for the record we already see a lot of cases silently endorsed by the IDF and the Israelian government of settlers attacking unprovoked, Palestinians in the West Bank. There were a couple of notable killings as well. So explain to me, how is this different from what Hamas is doing and why those people are not persecuted and given effective sentences?

And why food, electricity, and fuel is not allowed into Gaza? IDF is claiming that Hamas has a stockpile of all of this, so explain to me the rationale of restricting all those and creating a horrible humanitarian catastrophe.

There are reports of kids forced to drink salty water, because there isn't enough drinking water, of doctors who need to operate without anesthesia, of people having not enough food. Hundreds of thousands are expulsed and living in makeshift tents, they cannot escape even if they want, there is bombardment all across Gaza and there isn't a single safe space and houses are indiscriminately destroyed. What IDF would leave would be only death, destruction and immense suffering. Isn't this collective punishment? Is this humane treatment? And how come all of this is coming from a nation who was historically oppressed and suffered immensely. So right now they pretty much repeat all the horrors they were enduring to another nation.

And call me a pessimist, but I don't think this is a recipe for long lasting peace!

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There was a massive outcry from the world. It sounds like this: "Its horrible that rockets are getting fired at you! Here is a multi-billion dollar rocket defense system! But if you want the rockets to stop, end your brutal apartheid regime!"

Sadly, the Zionist response is to install the rocket defense system and increase the brutality. Then they smear any critics, including most of the UN and nearly every human rights organization, as biased and antisemitic.

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