Man arrested for pointing gun at 6-year-old boy's head over Halloween goody bag to – 483 points –
Man arrested for pointing gun at 6-year-old boy's head over Halloween goody bag

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I've been looking at your other comments and have some things to say.

  1. Clearly your your out of your mind defending cops on, for real when is calling the cops ever not put you the caller in a new type of danger? Fools with guns is bad regardless of the context and I for one cannot trust someone I have never met, especially the armed paramilitary we call police here in America.

  2. Nice 'something tells me comment, always makes someone's comments feel real sincere.

  3. Most people can't defend themselves, that's reality. I'm actually pro gun but anti-idiot, and most people are idiots and that deeply complicates your arguments.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk, I'm not a professional nor frankly good at most things, if you have problems with my arguments please, comment it don't save it to yourself.

Lol. Clearly you're just upset someone isn't a part of the ACAB bandwagon.

Gonna block you now.

I don't even know what that is lol.

All cops are bastards, he's arguing you're anti police.

Im anti shitty cop and by your comments so are you, dudes the worst kind of low effort troll.

Thanks for the context!

I was hoping they would say more, at least try to argue but they blocked me. I have yet to find a pro copper on Lemmy that has the balls to defend them fully.

That's because it's really really difficult to argue for authoritarians when you aren't an authority lol.

Some people just like the taste of boot...

ACAB - All Cops Are Bad

OP is still a tool.

Thanks for the context.

That's okay, the tool is a mass blocker by the looks of it, remember just ignore the people who oppose your views, that's healthy right? Lol.

Nice, you can't form an argument so you take your ball and run away. You're a child, go back to timeout and let the grownups talk.

Really? Do you think everyone on the internet is worth arguing with?

You’re a child

Lol, the irony. Gonna block you too, bud. Make sure you respond to everyone, though!

Way to prove you're a child and I'm amazed you needed an edit to come up tm with that absolute gem of a comment.