Google Chrome's Web Environment Integrity feature has been cancelled

dean [any pronouns] to – 380 points –
Chrome not proceeding with Web Integrity API deemed by many to be DRM

While WEI is thankfully cancelled, it's not entirely cancelled... They're planning on making it available still in WebViews with the intention that websites can check if a malicious Android app is trying to do a phishing scheme.

Seems like such a niche "security" feature... what are they really trying to accomplish here? Something seems fishy to me


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this is not cancellation. This is Google taking a step back, and regroup to attack back.

Its a common practice to do exactly that. Just demand something very absurd and let people rage about it, then "step back" to "please the masses" while in reality your "step back" idea is the thing you actually wanted to do from the beginning on. But now people are happy about it.

I learned that as a negotiation tactic. Pick the number you want to get, then ask for more. The counter will likely be around what you wanted!

They care about one thing only: Money.

Obviously this is more of a strategic retreat and nothing else. It's also a very common tactic to push for something crass, pull back, wait a bit and repeat. Most commonly resistance gets weaker each time, because people are people.

Now if anyone thinks they made money with a retreat and won't try again, because it's obviously much more lucrative, which stone exactly are you living under?

You are 100% correct. Nothing is won till you make it impossible for Google to push forward or destroy their motivation for trying again later.

If they can't storm the front door, then try to sneak in through the back door I guess.

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