Hillary Clinton warns against Trump 2024 win: ‘Hitler was duly elected’

CantaloupeLifestyle@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 736 points –
Hillary Clinton warns against Trump 2024 win: ‘Hitler was duly elected’

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Considering her accuracy with him, this should make everyone who cares about the nation worried.

Was she accurate when she instructed Dem media partners to elevate Trump by name with the strategy being that he'd be too extreme for the general election?

Was she accurate when she was taking a preemptive victory lap in Texas on election night 2016?

No one is saying she didn't fuck up, I am saying she said many accurate things.

I was talking about her "deplorables" label, nailed it. Then what she warned the world would happen to his face on stage. I am also not a fan of hers, but giver credit where it is due.


What happened to his face?

And I'm sorry you'd have to pay me to get me to open an Atlantic article from 2020 about Hillary Clinton

Like 50 up front then like 100 an hour charged every 15 minutes I think is fair

I bet nobody ever pays you that amount of money for your time.

I wonder what they pay for a Hillary's time?

This cunt should've of cheated in 2016 and Bernie Sanders would of been the Democratic presidential candidate and would of beat Trump and stopped this shit before it ever got started.

Ever poll showed that Trump beat her and Sanders beat him. But nope they ran with her they wanted to lose.

Fuck her she needs to shut the fuck up. Hell her husband encouraged Trump to run as a Republican. The Clintons were friends of his and he was a Democrat. They pushed him so this is her fault.

Should have of?

I think they meant to say shouldn't of.

Of you ever seen someone make a point you agree with while also showing they're a moron? I of mixed feelings about it. I think I might die have fremdschämen.

Most people would never vote for Sanders. He lost the primary and his supporters never shut up about how it was "rigged and stollen" from their God-Emperor.

But nope they ran with her they wanted to lose.

The "GIVE US BERNIE OR WE'LL GIVE YOU TRUMP" people helped Trump win, not Clinton voters.

Online pissbabies never realize they're a minority even within their own party.

It was rigged and cheated and besides SHE COULDN'T BEAT TRUMP. SANDERS COULD HAVE.

Sanders couldn't even win the primary. Look at how poorly he did in 2020, too.

The 2020 primary that was stopped early? The one where everyone except Sanders and Biden dropped out because they were promised other positions if they endorsed Biden? That's before we even get to 2016, where the DNC blatantly rigged things.

Primaries almost never produce the best candidate for a general election. Certainly not in recent memory.

Downvoted because of where we are, but you're not wrong. As a progressive that supported Bernie in the primary, I wish they'd just shut the fuck up already. I wonder how many of them didn't even show up to their state's Democratic primary. Then they all whine when he gets less votes and loses. Grow the fuck up.

Reminds me of Ron Paul. Probably the same people.