The public doesn’t understand the risks of a Trump victory. That’s the media’s fault to politics – 675 points –
The public doesn’t understand the risks of a Trump victory. That’s the media’s fault | Margaret Sullivan

The press must get across to American citizens the crucial importance of this election and the dangers of a Trump win. They don’t need to surrender their journalistic independence to do so or be “in the tank” for Biden or anyone else.

It’s now clearer than ever that Trump, if elected, will use the federal government to go after his political rivals and critics, even deploying the military toward that end. His allies are hatching plans to invoke the Insurrection Act on day one.


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And don't forget, there is no constitutional law that forbids a president from being in prison.

Honestly, I think Trumps gonna win.

Slowest pitch in history, and at the nth hour Biden outs himself as a genocidal fascist.

What a fucking moron.

Republicans will dutifully vote red and Democrats will refuse to support genocide.

Because of Israel? Trump would be so much worse. He already tried to expel Muslims.

Is he funding genocide anywhere else that I haven't heard of?

Trump being worse is a given, but that doesn't do anything for me.

I am done voting for horrible people because the other guy is more horrible.

Democrats want more votes than Trump? Get Biden off the ballot. Start actually listening to their constituents. Stop licking wall street and Republican taints for money, and start serving the people.

I recommend putting Bernie, or Katie Porter on the ballot. Oh hey, or AOC. She's going to be 35 by the next general election.

Again, I will not vote for a man who has sent tens of billions of dollars to continue an active genocide, and is pushing for the ability to do it more behind closed doors into a black box.

Jesus Christ this is stupid.

If purity-test people like you would actually fucking vote for change, we could actually enact meaningful change.

Instead, we will never have enough left-leaning politicians to enact any sort of progressive agenda because of braindead voters like you who refuse to vote because the lesser of two evils isn't perfect. And we get stuck in this 51/49 deadlock where nothing good ever happens.

Imagine being so stupid that you'd support the greater of two evils simply because you weren't a fan of the lesser of two evils. Imagine this: You have to eat either a pile of dogshit with a small piece of corn in it, or a pile of corn with a small piece of shit in it. But you get to choose. And you say "ehhhh I don't like corn so I won't choose." How stupid can one be???

I don't care how badly you or I want Bernie, or AOC, or whoever to be the next president. IT ISN'T HAPPENING. So do everybody a favor and fucking vote for the candidate who is BETTER.

If there are two evils to choose from, and you get a choice, CHOOSE THE FUCKING LESSER EVIL.

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That's not how party politics works. If you abstain from voting or throw your vote away by voting third party, you may as well just vote for your least favorite candidate because you're robbing the least worst of a vote.

Grow up.

Party politics don't work for anyone but billionaires, politicians, and military contractors.

Grow up, stop believing in Santa Clause, and stop enabling a broken system.

stop enabling a broken system.

What do you mean "enabling"?

The system is broken, I fully agree. But it exists, and sadly it isn't going anywhere. Not voting is not going to change that, the system is just going to continue, unaffected, and will continue to affect people's lives. Your only options, within the system, are to minimise harm or to not do that.

The system absolutely needs to be changed. But not voting isn't going to change it. And reducing harm isn't somehow making that change more difficult.

That's a default vote for Trump then.

Stupid, dumb ass logic.

Like a 4 year old going "I'm rubber, you're glue."

You are voting for evil. I am not voting for evil.

That simple.

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