Meanwhile there is a whole generation that doesn't understand this joke to Futurama – 772 points –

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This episode aired 23 years ago.

We've moved into boomer territory when we joke that kids today don't get a joke older than the actual kids today

Oh fuck me. For a moment I started to think "no. Married with Children was already over 23 years ago" then I quickly realized that holy shit, Futurama is already over 23 years old.

And the reference is a show that ran until 1997. So a small slice of the audience was too young at the time.

And when did the MWC episode air?

Which one? The final episode aired on June 9, 1997.

I assumed it was a shot for shot parody of an episode. Guess it could just as easily be of all of them.

Oh, no, it was a common scene that indeed could have been any of them.