TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion

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TikTok Says It's Not the Algorithm, Teens Are Just Pro-Palestine

TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion::In a blog post, the company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion.


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The problem is their behavior and rhetoric towards Palestine resembles a sentiment shared by the OG Nazis

The problem is when you mention Nazis to Jews, the first things they'll think of are Zyklon B, Babi Yar, the piles of children's shoes at Auschwitz, Mengele, that sort of thing.

And while what's going on in Israel is terrible, it's not Mengele terrible, Babi Yar terrible, or Treblinka terrible. So they write you off as just another antisemite, rather than listening to your point.

And yet that was only the very end. The stuff that came before that might as well be a mirror to the way Israel is treating the Palestinians.

No, not really. Nazi Germany lasted from 1933-1945.

From 1933 to 1939, things were mostly non-lethal: boycotting and vandalizing shops, banning Jews from public service or practicing law, harassing Jews, etc. The basic idea was to get Jews to emigrate out of Germany.

The first open ghettos were established in 1939, while the massacres really started in 1941.

If you're going to compare Gaza to part of Nazi Germany, the best comparison is to the closed ghettos that were established in 1940, like the Warsaw ghetto. The period between the establishment of the closed ghettos and the beginning of the mass killings was way, way shorter than the mass killings. Of the 12 year span of Nazi Germany, the best comparison is to a period that lasted for about a year or so, 7 years in.

Nazi Germany really isn't a great historical comparison to Israel. Honestly, a better comparison is to the US's treatment of Native Americans, though it's still not a perfect analogy. The dream of Israel's far right isn't to murder every last Palestinian, it's manifest destiny; an Israel stretching from the river to the sea even if there's a few small reservations on it.

Netanyahu and his cohorts have explicitly said they believe they need to kill every last Palestinian. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/11/benjamin-netanyahu-amalek-israel-palestine-gaza-saul-samuel-old-testament/

I read this, and from what I can tell, he explicitly said they believe they need to kill every last member of Hamas, and a different unrelated person wrote an essay about how they need to kill all Palestinians?

Well, thats only a relevant distinction if they meaningfully differentiate between Hamas and Palestinian. Considering they've talked about using nukes, that they think sacrificing an entire hospital full of innocents to maybe kill a few Hamas, and that we DAMN WELL KNOW how racism means generalizing anyone of a group to be the worst kind of that group, and the fact that the totally un-Hamas west bank is getting ethnically cleansed too, it's incredibly naive to think they'll leave any reasonable amount of palestinians alive.

You need to look at what's happening in West Bank.

When the Israelis impose a system of racial domination on Palestinians that is objectively worse than Apartheid, I'd say you needn't bother handwringing about Israelis getting their feelings hurt. Fascists is always an alternative though - they're politicians have used it themselves.

Netanyahu himself has made racist jokes favouring white Jews over the north african immigrants, so while 'white supremacist' also works at that point, you're back to just saying 'Nazi'.

Why is it worse rhan apartheid?

Because Jews don't need Palestinians like White South Africans needed Black people for low wage jobs. So they can genocide them without a thought.

No I meant what evidence do you have that what they are actually doing is worse than apartheid?

Chiefly Nelson Mandela's own words on the matter and Noam Chomsky's. Other South Africans. The two-tier colonial system in place and TCM's recent testimony on what he saw in the occupied territories was enlightening too.

A craven terrorist attack caused a military response that has claimed 11,000 lives to date, with a substantial proportion of those lives being women and children. This is a horrible thing. Hamas and the Israeli government can both go fuck themselves for the misery they have caused.

That said, AFAIK nobody is sending Israeli troops in to round up Palestinians and systematically incinerate them until all Palestinians are dead.

6,000,000 Jews suffered that fate.

The bombing of Dresden took 25,000 German lives. Nobody called that an attempted genocide.

Perspective is important.