more and more news sites are pushing for paywalls even reuters now here are some sources that don't have pay walls and Npr *mentions* paywall in their own new pop-up?

rob299@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to – 220 points –

also feel free to comment your own suggestions for news sites for tech updates that don't pay wall on the web page.

New York times - abc -

the hill - BBC news -

while nonprofit Npr doesn't pay wall, they have a new pop up that says something along the likes of "expected a paywall not our style please donate" that the user can dismiss and continue browsing the site.

Reuters use to be a good source for me untill they started pay walling after a small amount of news article reads.


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Because you people refuse to pay. It's an absurd amount of entitlement.

You bitch incessantly about ads but refuse to pay 🤦‍♂️

Modern advertising is worth bitching about whether you’re willing to pay or not.

Nah. It's entitlement.

Ads are invasive, intrusive, and hardly actually worth the value they sell themselves for… but I guess I’m entitled for thinking so.

Then pay.

That sounds like mafia logic. Paying won’t make ads any less intrusive or invasive. Only a little less so, only for me, only on one specific website, and only until advertising gets reintroduced to that service’s paid tiers. Modern advertising is its own reason why ad-blockers are so popular. It isn’t entitlement, it’s a response to entitlement.

The problem isn't that I refuse to pay. The problem is that I don't want to pay everyone.

Newspapers need a payment mechanism where users can pay once and get access to a range of papers, not just one. People are cutting things like Netflix, Hulu, Paramount, etc because they don't want to pay for all of these services. I shouldn't be required to have a subscription to NYT, WashPo, Los Angeles Times, the local news paper, just so I can click on any link.

If they can figure out a way to make this easy for users, they will have more money than they know what to do with.

The reason adblock and paywall bypassers are so popular right now is because newspaper businesses are working like streaming companies and refusing to work together. But they don't have the exclusive on news like Paramount does on Star Trek or Prime does on The Expanse.

So a link to a news story can come from anywhere and users have voted with their wallets. If they aren't going to make it easy to subscribe to everyone, we'll just bypass the paywall.

Personally, I remove about ads incessantly because they're not just ads anymore nowadays.

They serve double-duty as trackers, and with how easy it is for malicious actors to hijack them (and ad businesses like Google evidently not giving a fuck), they're a genuine security concern, too.

If ads were just ads, then I'd be fine with them. But their current state is just... bad.

Correct. The level of entitlement I've seen here on Lemmy is generally astonishing.

These companies have dozens of members of staff who absolutely deserve to be paid for their work. They're not allowed to run ads, they're not allowed to ask to be paid, what the fuck else are they supposed to do?

Fuck, even for YouTube - if you use the service, either pay, watch ads, or just don't use the service at all. It's not that hard.

I get it but if the work is to generate an unreadable article made by chatGPT then no thank you. Albeit they may generate using chatGPT because they're paid peanuts and just wanna go home🫤

I'm an avid reader and listener of NPR (and I do support my local station - fingers crossed we'll get the NPR+ bundle soon), and I have yet to see any article that even remotely seemed to be written by an AI.

What do we do in this case?

Thanks for the reminder about NPR+. I need to email my station to get rolled into it.

It's great stuff, but I don't like having to support individual shows - I want to just get the bundle and support all the big ones. :/ So bizarre that it's not available in every state.

Hopefully they roll the bundle out soon nationwide. I was kinda surprised to see my small town station already supported.

We refuse to pay for something that is already profitable?

What happens when we all subscribe and they decide to raise the price 'just because'?

Don't be a useful idiot.

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