Take me back

ickplant@lemmy.world to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 387 points –

Before you all get your panties in a twist, I know it's technically not true.


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They also had an average life expectancy of about 30 years, so I'll stick with the current Era thanks.

Common missconception: people didn't just die in their thirties, the average is brought down somewhat hard by lots of infant death, childbirth complications and the like.

@Prunebutt says it right, it's the advancements in medicine, but thats more reactively treating diseases than proactively lengthening the lifespan.

Oh that doesn't sound bad at all


I hate those type of stats that sound good but don't actually express what they seem to express.

Instead of looking at the average age at death, I'd be much more interested in the average age if the population alive at a give point in time.

That's because of advancements in medicine, not because we work longer hours.

I would have been dead for 10 years by now. Sweet.