Ex-RNC chair calls for Donald Trump to be thrown in jail

CantaloupeLifestyle@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 270 points –
Ex-RNC chair calls for Donald Trump to be thrown in jail

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Just want to throw this out there:

Donald Trump:

  • Survived not one but two impeachment trials because senators feared for their safety if they voted to remove him.

  • Has had at least one judge say that Trump deserves special treatment, with that judge continuing to run interference on Trump's behalf to this day.

  • Went on CNN and publicly defamed E. Jean Carroll for a second time, less than 24 hours after a judge ordered him to pay $5 million for doing it the first time.

  • Was declared an insurrectionist by a Colorado judge, but allowed to stay on the ballot anyway despite being Constitutionally disqualified because the judge feared retribution if he were to remove Trump from the ballot.

  • Has violated multiple gag orders on multiple occasions, including violating one gag order right outside of the courtroom minutes after it was issued. He has faced fines totalling $15,000, which wouldn't even qualify as a rounding error on his taxes if he could be bothered to actually pay taxes. No judge has been willing to impose any sanctions or even warn Trump of the possibility of incarceration for fear of backlash, even though they admit any other defendant would have been jailed for the same behavior.

  • Has made so many credible threats against judges, prosecutors, witnesses, staff, potential jurors, and their families that any developments in any of his cases are now often preceded by lockdowns, significant boosts in security, and even personal security for those involved out of fear of retribution or violence.

He's a mob boss. When will people stop treating him like he's a normal person?

Actually, that's the problem. Nobody treats him like a normal person. He acts like a mob boss because doing so has gotten him exactly what he's wanted so far in life.

What judges need to start doing is saying "Yeah that's nice. Maybe they'll write to you in jail. See you in 30 days after serving this contempt of court charge." instead of giving him what he wants on command every time.

I don't think money or influence satisfactorily explains how DT gets away with what he does.

The thing that would explain it is if people think he might be backed by Putin directly.

If you think you might fall out a window "accidentally" you're going to tread pretty carefully.

The latest ruling from the Colorado judge baffles me. They wrote an extensive ruling saying that Trump engaged in an insurrection and detailed how his actions were not simply exercising free speech. Then decided that while he took an oath to "preserve, protect and defend" the constitution, he never took an oath to "support" the constitution. And also that while the 14th amendment forbids an insurrectionist from holding any office of the United States, the presidency isn't an office. What the actual fuck??

It was mental gymnastics by someone who knows Trump shouldn't be anywhere near the ballot, but doesn't want to be the one to actually open that Pandora's box out of fear of retaliation. If it weren't that for an excuse, it would be because the Founding Fathers accidentally misspelled the word "President" or something. The judge was simply looking for any excuse to rule the way he did, and that's just the excuse he settled on.

Pathetic people really shouldn't aim for positions of power but they make up the majority of powerful positions. This guy could've been remembered for hundreds of years for doing the right thing. Instead he'll be vaguely remembered similar to the failures in the German government pre WW2 if shit truly goes wrong.

Pathetic people really shouldn’t aim for positions of power but they make up the majority of powerful positions. This guy could’ve been remembered for hundreds of years for doing the right thing.

I'm not trying to defend the judge by saying this, but I do think it needs to be said. Trump is probably the first person in US history to be:

  • Easily the most corrupt authoritarian in US history
  • Able to wield such a disproportionate amount of influence over people at every level of not only government but the private sector; he has enough power to dictate the political careers of representatives in deep red states, and enough influence over individual people that there are lone wolf followers out there willing to carry out threats on his behalf.
  • Able to make mobster-level, "coded" threats against his political enemies and anyone even tangentally associated with them and has the resources to carry them out.

Judges are probably used to death threats from every two-bit defendant that just got sentenced to life without parole. They're probably also used to credible threats from cartel associates who don't actually have the resources to carry them out (because their associates are in Mexico or wherever). But Trump is a unique case, as threats coming from him could easily be carried out by any local lone-wolf MAGA cultist who has decided that this is the hill they're willing to die (or kill somebody) on, making the threats not only credible, but almost impossible to defend against. This does put judges in a situation where they have to weigh whether ruling against Trump is worth putting their literal lives at risk for, and we've seen the results of that time and time again recently. And while I may not necessarily agree with them, I can understand judges being gun-shy over issuing a ruling that could be the equivalent of signing their own death warrant.

You are giving Donald too much credit. His cult is fairly inactive in commiting stochastic terrorism, moreso recently. I'd argue the judge is just gargling his limp mushroom dick over it being some difficult scary decision. Judges are normal people too and can be swayed into the maga cult.

Standing up to authoritarians when you are given the opportunity is the only way to stop them...

Reminded me a lot of the Mueller Report.

Bury the lede of his obvious guilt, and shirk responsibility of enforcing consequences.

Didn’t the Colorado suit though only focus on the primary, and the GOP is a “private” entity who can select who they want. Now if they happen to chose Trump and put him on the general ballot then that is where a lawsuit should occur. But as it stands now, since he hasn’t been selected for a general ballot there was no standing in the case.

I'll add my paranoid take:

I live 2-miles from a helicopter base. A day or two (can't remember exactly) before the 2020 election, the military ran one-way helicopters sorties, for 24-hours.

I asked on Nextdoor.com if anyone had the skinny. Every reply was a brush off saying, "They're just training, perfectly normal."

No, it was not normal. I've been here for 6-years and have never before or since seen anything like it. A couple or three dozen sorties? Every day. Hundreds and hundreds? Non-stop for a full day?! Never.

The Navy had to have cleared that base out. I believe that in preparation for election day violence they literally moved all the gear and personal to their sister base in town, or other military installations in the area.

If they do it again for 2024, I'll have my answer.

I'll let you know if they turn the local strip mall into a national guard staging area again. Been here forty years and 2020's the first (and only) election they did it. 2022 wasn't big enough.