Cassidy Hutchinson Gives Dark Reason Why ‘Everybody Should Vote For Joe Biden’ to politics – 136 points –
Cassidy Hutchinson Gives Dark Reason Why ‘Everybody Should Vote For Joe Biden’

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He's a user so I would suspect he's not a Trump supporter but instead someone who gulps down the propaganda the Kremlin and Beijing aim at the western left by the gallon.

That isn't inherently, it's just that many hexbear and lemmygrad users moonlight over there these days. Point being the instance isn't quite as definitive a label as the style that has spilled over.

Nah, the lead Lemmy developers and admins of are unapologetic communists and China supporters.

People parrot that a lot. Of the two core developers, one is an unhinged tankie, the other is far more moderate and reasonable.

At the end of the day though, it's your instance admin that you're putting trust into. Regardless of what version it says at the bottom of the page, the website could be running any code at any time.

If you start an instance with an unhinged tankie, it's not possible to be moderate and reasonable. Life isn't some 70s sitcom, "Oops, That Darn Tankie!"

I won't argue that the instance is welcoming to them, but it was explicitly started to be neutral.

Ah, I didn't notice.. I myself are on the left.. But I don't take anything people on say seriously, and to be quite honest I'm very sceptical about the dev of lemmy as they clearly are communist, which is not very positive in today's world in my view.

Depends. Are we speaking about communism/socialism or dictatorships? America has fucked the word communist so hard it has no meaning anymore because of idiots attributing it to dictators.

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Soooo I hadn't heard this before. I signed up for the second-most popular lemmy instance when I was just poking around without a serious commitment. I know hexbear has been crazy but didn't know had a poor rep as well. As a very casual user that just wants to support a more diverse ecosystem which instance would you or others recommend?

Come over to we've got NCD, greentext, and gaming. Also dont be discouraged by NCD half of us are socialsts, because there nothing that can get someone harder than a worker owned American Military Industrial Complex.

Oh shit did I register on a bad server? 👀


Where should I migrate to?

I was being somewhat facetious, because anywhere is fine if you're with it. But, imho, the better instances are catch all. Without some identity. Ml is borderline only because the loudest voices prevail. Make multiple accounts and fuck around, it's not that big a deal.

I just started to block people who are lying or saying things in bad faith and I think it'll clean up my experience really quickly.

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