Human Rights Watch says rocket misfire likely cause of deadly Gaza hospital blast to – 184 points –
Human Rights Watch says rocket misfire likely cause of deadly Gaza hospital blast

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Who the hell cares, Israel has killed a whole lot more innocent people, including thousands of fucking children. The Israeli government is a bunch of genociders.

People seemed to care a lot when they thought it was Israel's fault.

It was justified to think it was Israel, because they bombed that exact hospital before, and many others. And it's still a terrible thing because people died. But let's remember that this single event is a small compared to the rest of the genocide Israel is doing to Palestinians.

It was justified to think it was Israel, because they bombed that exact hospital before, and many others.


The Archbishop has called for Israel’s evacuation order on Gaza’s hospitals to be reversed. His call comes as an Anglican-run hospital in Gaza was struck by Israeli rocket fire last night.

That Anglican-run hospital is the one from the OP btw.

Yeah, what's your point?

It wasn't struck by Israelis.

I was talking about this particular point of the article: "The Ahli Hospital was hit by Israeli rocket fire last night, with four staff injured in the blast. Other hospitals have also been hit." Which was the same Ahli Hospital that we're talking about originally.

Because the truth and facts matter when discussing moral responsibility. It doesn't absolve Israel of other acts of war harming civilians. But this matters when discussing Hamas's responsibility over the death of Gaza civilians.

You will all nitpick minor details and put those who are oppressed (the Palestinians) over hot fiery coals for being potentially wrong whilst never laying a single ounce of doubt or blame on Israel, the ones conducting a god damn ethnic cleansing. I'm sorry I don't really care about arguing over this one specific instance of horror, (that which I never personally said was Israels fault by the way) when there are many thousands upon thousands of other instances that Israel boasts about murdering innocent people.

Nitpick all you want, but all of you are just pathetic if this is the tiny sad ant hill you die on while real people die.

Don't you bother to ask what happened to 1000 misfired rockets from Gaza?

(1200 something confirmed misfires from IDF, and almost 800 something from a twitch streaming bots that were scraping al Jazeera cams etc, some independent new reports on these too). Let's just say 200 rockets, don't you wonder where they landed and what happened?

And the amount of rockets fired by anyone in Gaza is nothing compared to the sheer destruction Israel does.

No, I'm not talking about missiles from Gaza to Israel. I'm talking about Hamas missiles that fell in Gaza. Recently they have reached over 10k launches towards Israel, doesn't that make you curious to know how much destruction they caused themselves?

Israel's Iron Dome takes care of the vast majority of Hamas rockets, as almost every report out of Israel can verify.

I know, it's pretty badass to see it live.. My question was about misfired Hamas rockets that fell into Gaza. And how much destruction did that cause.

I'm sure you could look up the statistics somewhere.

Yes, but it's weird that it's completely out of the picture isn't it?

Because it's nothing compared to the destruction wrought by Israel on Gaza. It's not enough to matter and focuses on the wrong things. Of course genocide apologists would love to focus on anything but the genocide.

It's a war mate, Israel doesn't have to do anything to protect "Gazans" and yet they do out of their ways to do so. Please get informed on this.. there are few IDF people or ex-Hamas guys who can tell you how war goes. It's ugly, but 15k killed with 0 Hamas seems like a set up no? Regardless, it's not my fight. I'm gonna go now and rest.. but please keep your mind open and don't fill your heart with hatred.


You're justifying thousands of deaths, including mostly children. It's not a war, it's a slaughter against a mostly civilian populace to justify taking out a terrorist group they propped up themselves and continue to inflame with policies like kicking them out of their homes, the blockade, restricting their aid and food and trade, controlling their air and water space, controlling their trash, electricity, and now they've been trying to control oil found on their land.

May I suggest you don't fill your heart with hatred and learn to have some empathy for civilians that look different than you or speak different than you?

0.5% is a terrible genocide.

I'm sorry, do we have to wait for them to finish? We know their intentions, Israeli officials say it plainly, that they want to remove them all, make it uninhabitable where they live. That is the act of genocide, you piece of garbage.

We know their intentions, Israeli officials say it plainly

I thought they only lied though. I guess you can always pick and choose which parts you believe.

They do lie, they lie all the time. Yet when they talk about their bloodthirst for genocide, dumb motherfuckers like you say, "oh haha that's so funny they're just kidding!" Y'all stupid shits of course only believe lies. Talk about picking and fuckin choosing, my god you hypocrite.

1 in 200 people. Yeah it definitely is.

Well, according to al jazeera they dropped 6000 bombs - 4000 tonnes - from Oct 7 - Oct 12.

As of 2nd Nov the number was 25000 tonnes. Let's say that's 25000 bombs.

Pretty terrible death rate for that number considering the options available.

This motherfucker wants more innocent people killed, wow. Genocider.

Nah it's a pretty good start, especially since they're using the deaths to kick everyone out of their homes into smaller and smaller areas, or forcing them into other countries. It's how the genocide on native populations has worked everywhere else, too, so we already know the playbook.

It's how the genocide on native populations has worked everywhere else, too, so we already know the playbook.

Such as?

Also, what's your definition of native?

I'm mostly talking in the US, Canada, Australia, South Africa, places in the modern period that have used settler colonialism to displace and destroy indigenous populations.

As for the playbook, generally it's you move a big population in at once, set up shop, take over, tell any locals to move over and enforce it with violence, use a treaty to keep the land and move them over permanently. Then, individuals slowly expand to their land, sometimes rogue, but usually supported by the government either way. They push the boundaries of the "given land" or take resources from it, the native population plea for help is ignored until they push back with violence, the colonizers retaliate with overwhelming force, enough to keep the land settlers have been slowly taking anyway and probably take more, the populations are displaced more, either put in a smaller box or forced to move over again. Repeat.

And God help them if there's resources revealed to be in their area, like oil.

This MFer wants to say Palestinians aren't natives of Palestine WTF. Bruh if you care about history from 2000 years ago that much you should read it.

Native Americans in the USA? Trail of tears?