Firearm suicides reached "unprecedented" high in 2022, CDC data shows

Lee to – 387 points –
Firearm suicides reached "unprecedented" high in 2022, CDC data shows

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Sadly. Gun nuts don't want to hear any of this. The U.S. gun culture is truly obscene.

Not a gun nut. But these studies don't actually test any hypothesis about defensive gun use.

It is easily probable that it is simply the case that people obtain firearms for defense against an existing threat or are the threat themselves( i.e are susceptible to far greater violent events than the norm). In order to test that guns actually are ineffective in self-defense you need to compare it to actual incidents of violence towards the gun user.

Do you know why we don't have such studies in the United States? The firearms lobby has ensured that it is prohibited from being researched.

Yes, because the CDC is the only source of academic research in the US. Activist talking points are unfortunately rarely accurate. The Dickey Amendment reduced research into gun violence, but under no circumstances did it eliminate; it's also been changed since it was first passed.

The real reason why gun violence research is often poor quality is the same as why most social research is poor quality: high variability, unaccounted variables, differences in interpretation of questionnaire's, unreliability of self-reporting, and the fact that most studies are conducted by parties interested in a specific result.

Thanks for the insightful response, those are legitimate points. I was confused by your first sentence and presume that was meant sarcastically?

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Because it's just another scare tactic. We know there are some dangers having firearms around.

That's why we want to make sure the goverment isn't the only people allowed to have them. First comes registration, then confiscation, then the tyranny.

Andy Weaver, the Branch Dividians, the Black Panthers, Native Americans, Mexico, the Philippines, Hawaiians, Germany, Japan, Spain, England, Canada, and Italy have all resisted the US government with arms.

But OK, you're going to keep 'em in line with you're pew pew pew. Meanwhile that danger that you acknowledge is real.

The Black Panthers one is particularly ironic given the NRA's full-throated support of gun control laws in California (passed by good ol Ronnie R. when he was governor) that happened once black people started arming themselves.

And nothing has changed. Never forget Philando Castile. The only reason they feel empowered is because the ones who actually want to take guns from "certain people" happen to agree with them ideologically.

STFU. Gun ownership should be strictly limited and controlled. Fuck y'all that don't like it.

Buddy, the "government" isn't scared of you and your buddies LARPing in the woods cheap AR-15s and tacticool gear.

Hamas demonstrated that the most advanced military occupation in the world can not stop a determined people from fighting back.

... course, Israel is demonstrating that the most advanced military occupation in the world will have its unlimited bloody revenge, so-

Hamas was also born of generations of blood feuds and escalating revenge. Generational shit.

Compare that to... (checks notes) wanting people to get vaccinated before going into public during a worldwide pandemic.

Well yeah, I don't mean to demean Hamas by comparing them to American rightoids lol

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