Muslim Americans in swing states launch anti-Biden campaign to politics – 285 points –

"We recognize that, in the next four years, our decision may cause us to have an even more difficult time. But we believe that this will give us a chance to recalibrate, and the Democrats will have to consider whether they want our votes or not."

That's gotta be one of the strangest reasonings I've heard in a while.


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Isn't Biden pretty much the only reason Netanyahu agreed to a cease fire? Hasn't he been warning Israel from the beginning not to follow the same path and make the same mistakes as the US after 9/11? It's also regularly reported his administration is pressuring Israeli leaders to stop what they're doing to civilians. Given that the US genuinely cannot directly control what the Netanyahu administration does, I guess I'm asking what you want him to do differently?

Given that the US genuinely cannot directly control what the Netanyahu administration does, I guess I’m asking what you want him to do differently?

Make US aid contingent on not committing genocide would be a great help. Reagan stopped the bombing of West Beirut with a literal phone call. The US has that much influence on Israel.

Biden does not control that aid. Congress does.

Doesn't mean Biden is doing anything about it. Hell he didn't even condemn the warcrimes or call for a ceasefire.

You said:

Make US aid contingent on not committing genocide would be a great help.

That is not something Biden can do. It is not under his control.

We don't actually know how much Biden has really been doing. By all indications, Qatar and Egypt were more influential in getting the ceasefire to happen.

And the US just sent a bunch of new high powered weaponry over to Israel for destroying buildings better:

And apparently one of the four main people in the US government with influence on proceedings is a pro-genocide maniac who is happy for things to proceed as they are so long as it makes money:\_n\_656936c0e4b07b937ff4287f?4q

No. Joe Biden greenlit the genocide and barely even pays lop service to peace