Muslim Americans in swing states launch anti-Biden campaign to politics – 285 points –

"We recognize that, in the next four years, our decision may cause us to have an even more difficult time. But we believe that this will give us a chance to recalibrate, and the Democrats will have to consider whether they want our votes or not."

That's gotta be one of the strangest reasonings I've heard in a while.


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Maybe… Just maybe this is an attempt to get Biden to finally listen. Because it sure seems like he hasn’t been. All the people in this thread sure are quick to write off how it feels to be Muslim/Arab in America right now.

Everyone saying "this is a vote for democracy" apparently doesn't see the irony in demanding everyone vote for a single candidate no matter what or democracy fails. Like isn't the whole point of democracy having the ability to pressure politicians to make concessions to your cause?

So many BlueAnon comments too. Yeah for sure this is just a massive Russian psyop, definitely not people trying to stop their ethnic group from being genocided 🙄

Bring on the downvotes.

If Trump gets into office, Democracy does fail.

If this were an election where the opposition was someone like Romney or McCain, sure. I would agree with you. But this is where the opposition wants to start a dynasty where here and his descendants are dictators for life.

And if you think genocide in Gaza is bad, just wait until Trump gets done with queer people and Latinos.

Or just wait until what kind of genocide happens when Trump is backing Bibi to the hilt.

Do people forget he moved the embassy to Jerusalem? Do they really think he wants a free Palestine?

Trump could back literal death camps in the West Bank and they'll say, "Well, at least I didn't vote for the lesser evil!"

Since you guys are so brain-broken by the status quo of American politics, let me break down the goal of these people.

  1. Threaten to not vote for party because they are doing bad thing

  2. Party sees significant numbers of people threatening not to vote for them.

  3. Party changes it's policies.

  4. People vote for party.

It's like you're completely incapable not thinking in black-and-white, and don't understand it's actually possible to leverage politicians. No one wants Trump, and if he wins no one is to blame but the Democrats.

Isn't Biden pretty much the only reason Netanyahu agreed to a cease fire? Hasn't he been warning Israel from the beginning not to follow the same path and make the same mistakes as the US after 9/11? It's also regularly reported his administration is pressuring Israeli leaders to stop what they're doing to civilians. Given that the US genuinely cannot directly control what the Netanyahu administration does, I guess I'm asking what you want him to do differently?

Given that the US genuinely cannot directly control what the Netanyahu administration does, I guess I’m asking what you want him to do differently?

Make US aid contingent on not committing genocide would be a great help. Reagan stopped the bombing of West Beirut with a literal phone call. The US has that much influence on Israel.

Biden does not control that aid. Congress does.

Doesn't mean Biden is doing anything about it. Hell he didn't even condemn the warcrimes or call for a ceasefire.

You said:

Make US aid contingent on not committing genocide would be a great help.

That is not something Biden can do. It is not under his control.

We don't actually know how much Biden has really been doing. By all indications, Qatar and Egypt were more influential in getting the ceasefire to happen.

And the US just sent a bunch of new high powered weaponry over to Israel for destroying buildings better:

And apparently one of the four main people in the US government with influence on proceedings is a pro-genocide maniac who is happy for things to proceed as they are so long as it makes money:\_n\_656936c0e4b07b937ff4287f?4q

No. Joe Biden greenlit the genocide and barely even pays lop service to peace

Maybe… Just maybe this is an attempt to get Biden to finally listen.

Yeah, but Democrats don't listen.

Maybe... Just maybe, don't threaten to throw the whole country, including yourself, under the bus just because you can't completely change a country's position they'd had for over 50 years in 2 months.

I’m likely voting for Joe Biden. But I’m not an Arab or Muslim. I’m a Jewish guy who can see how fucked it is to have to vote for a guy that doesn’t believe how many Palestinians were killed or is actively throwing gobs of cash to the country that is indiscriminately bombing friends, family, people who are the same religion, who are the same race. I’m not in a position to judge. Keyboard warriors such as yourself are.

I'm a trans, jewish, atheist, social democrat. I'm on the chopping block as much as you or anyone else if Trump wins in 2024. I'm going to be warrioring my keyboard up all of your asses if it means more people vote for Biden. Under a fascist dictatorship, I could very well be too dead to hear your judgments so keep them coming.

Israel is committing genocide in the Gaza strip against Palestinians. That doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on people who inadvertently enable ethnic cleansing and genocide here in the US. Two wrongs don't make a right. Our imperfect democracy is the best tool we have to enact positive change. Once it's gone, typing about it won't bring it back. So I'm going to type about it for as long as I can.

We have until November 5th, 2024 to convince people to vote against fascism. That means pointing out abstaining from voting or voting third party helps Trump and the fascists. A fascist takeover doesn't benefit the Palestinians in the short term and it doesn't benefit them in the long term. Biden is a hard pill to swallow, and we are going to have to remember that when we try to sell people on him, but silence in the face of fascism is death. edit: typo