Muslim Americans in swing states launch anti-Biden campaign to politics – 285 points –

"We recognize that, in the next four years, our decision may cause us to have an even more difficult time. But we believe that this will give us a chance to recalibrate, and the Democrats will have to consider whether they want our votes or not."

That's gotta be one of the strangest reasonings I've heard in a while.


We hope that shooting ourselves in the foot today will allow us to run faster in the years to come...

Expecting either US political party to drop its support for Israel is a fool's game.

Seriously these fucking morons are going to assist the guy who wants a "complete and total ban on Muslim entering our country...." because they don't like Biden's support for Israel? I understand this is a no win situation but given the choice who's going to be better for Muslims domestically or abroad? Clearly the dem. And on that point I wonder if they think trump would have behaved any differently toward Israel? Spoiler alert.

They have a point though, neither d nor r is going to be "good" for Muslims or Palestinians, our track record sorta proves that out.

Seriously these fucking morons are going to assist the guy who wants a “complete and total ban on Muslim entering our country…” because they don’t like Biden’s support for Israel?

Maybe they figure that when Trump was supporting his Muslim ban, they had one major party on their side.

Instead of zero parties on their side and one party gloating that they have no choice.

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I see this kind of thinking often, with regards to young voters, black voters, blue collar workers, immigrants, women, etc.

'We've checked with the experts and determined that they should be grateful! Why won't they adjust their lived experience to match our policy platform!!'

It doesn't matter whether you agree with them. They're leveraging power. You are free to disregard them if you think your personal narratives are enough to keep you comfort after Trump wins.

If Biden and his supporters want to win, they need to stop arguing with their voters and start listening. It's not that complicated.

I’ll be comfortable if Trump wins. I’m a cis white male who makes over $200k per year. Hell, I’ll probably get a fucking tax cut.

These idiots are going to be among the first and worst to get hurt.

I’ll vote to try to stop them from hurting themselves but there’s only so much I can do.

Democrats feel entitled to votes from their base are are offended at the idea they might have to earn their vote. They blackmail us with Republicans and victim blame when their bad electoral strategy fails them

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I tried asking that question on a post somewhere around here and they pretty much responded like I was the biggest moron who had to be spoken down to.

Because in bizarro world a ban is worse than ethnic cleansing.

Ban + more ethnic cleansing > no ban + less ethnic cleansing

It's utterly disingenuous to suggest the two are mutually exclusive. The ethnic cleaning only intensifies under Trump, and the ban is in addition to that. Unless we're in a bizarre world where Trump suddenly loves brown people and Palestinians.

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Then again not like the "very shoot ourselves in the foot, but just little bit, instead of lot" on decades long repeat leads to anything good.

If ones vote is to be taken for granted, you have no power. Only way you can hold your own side accountable is by threatening to withhold the vote.

That is bargaining. Voting Democrat nomatter what and after that asking could they please do something, that is begging. Begging rarely works as well as bargaining.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Joys of two party system.

Most likely people just get apathy and instead of flipping to Trump, they simply stay home. Which is the other bargain. What you offer for me to bother to go from my home to the voting station in the first place.

That is their play "you can't take us for granted anymore, we care about our vote and bargaining power on long term enough to suffer on short term to buy long term relevance".

Whether it works is different matter. I don't know, if democratic leadership has the where with all to take their left flank of voters as anything but given serval supporters to be kept in line with "but we are only little bit bad, those guys are really really bad".

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I can't wait till we find out in a few months how Russian & Iranian money was actually fueling this.

1000% guaranteed. They've done it before and their doing it again.

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The guy running against Biden has far worse policies with regard to Muslims. If that guy wins it "proves" America wants the worse policies, potentially causing Democrats to switch to those policies to try to win.

Luckily, this is a publicity stunt that I don't foresee changing any actual votes.

If Biden's stance on Israel is driving away voters, that's just normal. This is one of those important polarizing issues, and he can't avoid accountability, for good or bad. The death count and coverage has guaranteed that.

As for "America wants" language, that doesn't mean anything. Different people have different goals.

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Rationally, you have a valid point.

But I can totally understand people who can't bring themselves to vote for someone actively supporting a genocide. Something that Trump didn't do during his tenure in office.

Lesser of two evils only works when the distinction is clear to everyone.

Biden needs to separate himself from Israeli genocidal politics, and it seems his cabinet is trying to shift.

So in conclusion, you might consider this a publicity stunt. And maybe it is. But recent elections have shown that you can't ignore your base, you need to fire them up to really turn them out.

So this is definitely a good move.

But I can totally understand people who can't bring themselves to vote for someone actively supporting a genocide. Something that Trump didn't do during his tenure in office.

Trump provided military assistance, approved arms sales, and personally vetoed a bill to end US military assistance to the Saudis in Yemen which is considered a genocide as well.

And his Israel "peace plan" was literally just giving the Israelis everything they wanted so if you're giving him credit for Israel/Palestine actions you're literally just giving him credit for not being the president when this happened. He absolutely would have been worse for Palestinians, he just didn't have the power at the time.

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But I can totally understand people who can’t bring themselves to vote for someone actively supporting a genocide. Something that Trump didn’t do during his tenure in office.

Trump was trying to oppress them personally. Maybe sympathy for those suffering a genocide is more important to them than their own safety, but maybe it shouldn't be.

Also, do you really think Trump wouldn't support Israel killing every last Palestinian they could?

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...and the American base never fails to show its sheer, utter stupidity.

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If they succeed in electing Trump, Democrats won't need to reflect about anything because they won't be allowed to run for office anymore.

But the Anti-Biden folks will be able to tell the next generation that they "stood up for their own ideals!" Sure, they won't have prevented any genocide, and they will have put the party into power that is currently trying to set up a fascist theocracy, but they can go to sleep knowing they have personal integrity!


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This is exactly what I thought when I read that. What kind of "recalibrating" do they think they're going to get to do with a christian fascist lording over the country?

I can't help but have conspiracy theory thoughts, like this is some kind of conservative campaign. It's hard to rule anything out anymore, and the idea of muslims voting for trump is just that fucking stupid.

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If Democrats don't try to get them back, they won't get them back.

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Ah, yes, "recalibrate" to a dictatorship. Republicans LOVE muslims!

Trump will "recalibrate" their citizenship and country of residency. These dudes need to wake up

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They must want to completely lose Democracy because they aren't getting their way. That's what's in the ballot. There very likely won't BE 2028 election if Rump gets back in.

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It's notable that the Republicans have not attempted to court the pro Palestinian voters in reaction to the anger at Biden. Because they are if anything more pro Israel / anti Palestine than the Democrats.

I agree that the Dems are the "only slightly better" party in a few aspects, and they need to do better. But slightly better is still better than the alternative and we need to vote like it.

I use a taxi analogy often when it comes to issues like this. You're on 8th Street and want to get to 1st Street. There are two taxis in front of you a Blue Taxi and a Red Taxi. The Blue Taxi will take you to 4th Street. The Red Taxi will take you to 21st Street before beating you up and leaving you for dead in the gutter.

Which taxi do you take?

Note: "Neither" isn't an option because if you don't choose, then some random people choose for you and shove you in the taxi.

Yes, neither taxi takes you to your destination, but the Blue taxi is a lot easier to recover from and reach your destination than the Red taxi.

Would it be better if you had a taxi that took you to your exact destination? Definitely, but this is where realism meets idealism. In the real world, you rarely have perfect options. You often need to decide which option is closest to perfect for you. In this case, the Democrats/Blue taxi are flawed but are worlds better than the Republicans/Red taxi.

This exceedingly simple logic seems beyond a good portion of the US population.

Blue taxi runs out of gas halfway there because the red taxi siphoned it out for their own use.

Yet in a state where you WILL be shoved in a blue or red taxi no matter what (say, CA for blue), you could vote for a green taxi stand to be put there so at least next time there are more options - or at least the blue taxi will deliver you to 3rd street.

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I dunno if people know Biden's past as a darling of the Israel lobby. Obama used to attend pro-Palestinian events and knows very well what's going on, part of why he picked Biden was because he was disliked by the Israel lobby, and that was his way of courting them. Of course at the helm he had to go back on his views. That's kind of the point here too, what's in the best interest of US foreign policy is largely determined by the military industrial complex, voters don't have a say in this really. Neither does the President in a lot of respects either, because furthering the country's foreign policy is more about what America is to the world than what the parties are to Americans.

Given Biden's poor polling in basically every swing state against Trump the party should really be picking a better candidate if they want a guaranteed victory in the election. I'd be doing the same as these Muslim groups if I was in the US because I'd want the Democrats to win, I don't see a way forward for this right now without the party stepping up with some major changes. What I see instead are Democrat voters shaming potential Democrat voters in to voting instead of demanding the party do better, and yes it's true if those people voted we wouldn't get Trump again, but saying as much is more about validating your position than actually doing the work to get that victory. I feel like at this point Democrat voters are just going to shame people for caring about genocide and there's no way that's going to get them votes, probably more the opposite.

What I see instead are Democrat voters shaming potential Democrat voters in to voting instead of demanding the party do better

I mean the reality here is just that you and I want different things. I don't want the Democrat party to "do better" in any some ways you want, and you don't want them to "do better" in some ways I want. That's just what being in a coalition is, and Dems are a very broad coalition

To be clear by "do better" I mean appeal to most voters, which means transferring politics that have broad support in to policies. Right now they provide policy and basically invent the politics to underlie it.

Also let's be clear what's being asked of Muslim voters right now, "support the fascist genocide against your people vicariously by supporting the Democrats, because the alternative will be worse." That's a BIG ask, that's why it's never addressed directly and diverted with "this is the best you can get." To then shame those voters and blame them for worsening the situation... you're telling them this system requires them to die one way or another. I don't blame them one bit for taking this position.

I don’t want the Democrat party to “do better” in any some ways you want, and you don’t want them to “do better” in some ways I want.

When was the last time the party did better in ways you didn't want?

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"a reflection of their outrage over President Biden's handling of the Israel-Hamas war."

If that's legit their position, then they have no candidate in 2024. It's not like they can vote for Trump.

And they clearly stated that they know trump would be worse short term, but they are hoping this puts long term pressure on democrats to represent their issues more.

This has never worked in reality though. Republicans will always pull the country to the right if they win.

If that's legit their position, then they have no candidate in 2024

Yes. That's literally their point.

"That Muslim Ban was such a good idea and concentration camps at the border, we want to see what the orange one will do next!"

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I will never ever understand minorities that vote this way. I get people who are like me voting conservative, I don't but I get their self-interest pov. You are literally voting for people who want you deported. They have made that crystal clear.

There was a story about a woman who voted for Trump in 2016. Her husband was then deported as an illegal immigrant. Apparently, she was shocked that the guy who campaigned repeatedly on kicking out all illegal immigrants no matter what would kick out her husband because he was an illegal immigrant.

It was a real "leopards eating my face" moment and shows just how stupid some people are.

Is there really a lot of difference between Evangelical Christian and Muslim? There is a lot in the middle of the venn diagram of things they hate.

Yes. If there is a theocratic takeover of the US it isn't the evangelicals that are getting deported.

It may surprise you to learn the are more white Muslims than any other individual race. It's a very diverse religion in America, but just over a quarter are white.

It does not surprise me since I already knew that. Not like I have Egyptian Coptic family or something

This is pressure to make the Democrats better, whether by changing their stance or getting different Dems.

Would you suggest accepting that the Democrats as they are is enough to stop climate change, end wealth inequality, provide housing and healthcare, end discrimination, reform the police, etc?

Let me know how that works for you. You know after you lose the Senate and Presidency next year. Watch how fast the Supreme Court upholds a Muslim registration program over an issue of standing or by pointing out that the census already requests that information. Then we will get a second travel ban.

You are voting against your own interests.

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This is how democracies die. Fascists don't need a majority to win, they just need their opposition to be splintered. It's exactly what happened in Hungary, and now it's too late.

You might want to think long and hard about how you triage your political decisions.

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Yeah sorry these people are idiots and should be ignored. We are in a really dangerous position right now where we could still fall to fascism and need every blue vote we can.

Do they honestly think that a Republican or Trump (who banned people from Muslim countries) aren't gonna ban them too?

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Yeah that worked real well for the people that didn't vote for Hillary because sanders that shafted by the DNC. DNC never learned their lesson and Trump winning again I doubt they will learn.

I worked for that campaign during that election cycle. You would think that the DNC and coordinated campaigns would learn that not listening to voters hurts you. Shaming them didn’t work last time either. They didn’t fund outreach. They didn’t listen to organizers on the ground. They didn’t care.

You would think that the DNC and coordinated campaigns would learn that not listening to voters hurts you.

They would rather lose than listen to voters.

DNC never learned their lesson

At this point I honestly think the lesson they've learned is that curb-stomping the progressives and daring them to stay at home gets us all 4 years of punishment under the GOP and in the next election they get 100% of what they wanted in the first place without any actual lefties having power.

When you remember FDR, this is exactly what they did then- FDR, scion of privilege, ran on a progressive platform for an electorate thirsty for lefty policy. He surrounded himself with other left-leaning bluebloods interested in progressive politics but dead set against actual leftists gaining power. They doled out progressive policies as political favors but strictly kept the rabble out of actual power.

Likewise, in the waning years of the Prussian Empire, Otto von Bismarck (a staunch monarchist, facing an uprising of social democracy politics he despised) famously undertook socialist-y policies like socialized medicine and old-age insurance/pensions to steal political support from the social democrats while keeping them strictly out of power.

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Muslim ideology doesn't exactly fit with democracy so it makes sense for them to embrace radical extremism. Same goes for most religions.

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and the Democrats will have to consider whether they want our votes or not.

This thread indicates not.

Centrist Democrats have never considered that a party is obligated to represent people whose votes it needs.

I don’t really understand this. The republican position is clearly pro-Israeli, anti-Palestinian. What are they hoping to achieve by destabilizing Biden?

I’m not a Biden fan, but he is clearly less detrimental to their position that the alternative…

You don't understand that people don't want to participate in a system where both choices require them to take active participation in what they see as genocide of their own people?

Or you just don't see how anyone could possibly oppose genocide?

In either case, you certainly didn't show any evidence at all that you have given any consideration whatsoever to the idea that a party is obligated to represent people whose votes it needs.

You've only got three options.

  1. Pick Gun A. Someone shoots 8 people with Gun A.

  2. Pick Gun B. Someone shoots 20 people with Gun B.

  3. Don't pick either gun. Other people decide which gun will be used. Someone shoots either 8 or 20 people with the chosen gun.

If I don't want people to die, what should I pick? Should I pick Gun A because I want to make sure the fewest people die? Or should I not pick at all, so that I can feel good about myself if gun B is chosen and 20 people die?

I'm sympathetic to them, but refusing to participate in the system doesn't mean the system goes away. It just means you pretend you don't have blood on your hands. If you care about keeping the Palestinian death toll as low as possible, you vote for the option that will kill the fewest. That's voting for Biden. Choose not to vote, and the death toll may be higher.

Blood will be on my hands no matter what I pick. I choose to see and accept that blood, if it means even one life is saved that would be doomed otherwise.

If you don't need their votes, keep acting like you can order them to vote like you want. You can always blame them for the results, but you'll still have the results.

The party would rather lose to Trump and have someone to blame than try to appeal to the voters it regards with withering contempt. It may make you feel morally superior to scream at people, but that doesn't move the needle in the direction you need.

Pretty much. If fascism takes over America centrist Democrats will be partly to blame

Weird so many in this thread seem to think if you insult people for not wanting to be genocided, they'll support the candidate you like. Make it feel more clear that these people don't actually care about them and just see them as pawns for their own goals.

Weird so many in this thread seem to think if you insult people for not wanting to be genocided, they’ll support the candidate you like.

"Vote for me to do shit you hate, moron! Wait... why are you staying home?"

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These comments are crazy. No political party in power in the united states deserves support. Its those who cling to the democratic party who are "electing" trump by not moving to support a new alternate. Those who are promoting and supporting politicians who support genocide are those who are in the wrong and who are sabotaging progress.

I’m not clinging to the Democratic Party. I’m simply aware of how first past the post voting works.

That just tells you there can only be two dominant parties. Which parties are those two can change. Those who keep supporting democrats are still the ones preventing it from being another party. If it not democrats, it would be a different one...

I’ll bet you any amount of money that either Dems or reps win the next election. How much would you like to wager?

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These people are stupid. Short-sighted generation that can't see past next month. They're not going to be changing anything, just making sure worse for no reason and giving conservatives more time to get the anti-minority establishment further embedded in everyday culture.

Everyone in the comments focusing on literally only this election and ignoring what they said in their reasoning.

Yes they understand if Trump wins it will be worse in the next 4 years. They’re hoping that the democrats realize that putting a candidate just slightly less evil isn’t good enough anymore and they actually need to win votes instead of saying “we support marginally less genocide then the republicans” and that being good enough.

Not saying that’s going to fully work out, but people acting likes that’s crazy aren’t seeing the full picture. At a certain point the democratic establishment needs to be punished for its bullshit lesser of two evils otherwise it’ll continue to do it. Is now the best time? Maybe not but thats a much more in depth analysis than just reacting “oh they must love Trump then!?”

Punishing the lesser of two evils by rewarding the greater evil isn't going to lead in the direction you want it to.

Just it will, it it makes the lesser of two evils to turn to be actually good, instead of lesser evil.

Ones power in democracy isn't in given ones vote It is in withholding it. Your vote is your hostage and the political party is the hostage negotiator trying to get it from you.

If you give away the hostage before the bargaining even begins, you have no leverage. You are nobody, non-entity. Your opinion and your interests don't matter. Since you always release the hostage, before the negotiating starts.

At some point in comparative lesser of two evils must come the moment of "in absolute measures the evil is too much, even the lesser evil". Withold vote and the egotistical lesser evil, who doesn't want to lose to the greater evil has to listen to your concerns and turn course.

Until the first moment you withhold vote, they can happily slide in behind the greater evil just two microns behind them in the evil slide.

I'll take those two microns over actively chasing fascism.

But we all know it's a whole fucking lot more than two microns.

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Yes, because that worked out so well last time a block of Dems threw a fit and decided not to vote. The party definitely learned a lesson and would never do something like 2016 again, right?

It literally is crazy. It's psychotic to think that the party would change their mind about the system that holds them in power after another 4 years of Trump, assuming we even get to have a real election again at all. Project 2025 anyone? It's psychotic to think that all the harm that will come from another 4 years of Trump, now with a grudge, nothing left to lose, and a playbook of how to not be stopped is somehow worth the hope that Dems will change their mind. You know what made the party pick Biden in 2020? The four years of hell before it. You know what will guarantee a "moderate" Dem as the only option in perpetuity? Another 4 years of Trump. Allowing him to win doesn't move the party left, it moves them right to try and get people who actually fucking vote from the middle to move over. The closest we ever came to an actually left president was after 8 years of a moderate Dem.

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Exactly if it's a system which requires the export of genocide how can you tell the people being genocided that they should consent to that. Isn't trying to pressure the better option to not genocide you a good thing?

Don't act like if Trump wins this election he isnt going to try to stay in office again. Don't pretend that he won't erode the election process, or eliminate it if he could.

I don't like Biden. But look how close the fucking baboon came to overthrowing the government. Imagine him have competent people next time. People prepared to do what is necessary, to go as far as is necessary.

I'm sure there were a lot of protest votes making a similar rational choice against the increasingly unpopular and ineffective Social Democratic Party of Germany in 1933 too.

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Yup, they're about as dumb as the Sanders or bust people.

They want change then vote/volunteer in the damn primary, volunteer to get rid of the first past the post bullshit.

Doing this, this is just 2016 levels of fucking stupid.

I was a Sanders supporter in 2016, but when Hillary got the nomination, I supported Hillary. Would I have preferred Sanders? Sure. Otherwise I wouldn't have been a Sanders supporter. However, you don't always get exactly what you want and you often need to deal with whatever hand life has dealt you.

In 2020, I again supported Sanders, but again switched - this time when Biden got the nomination. Same reason this time.

The people who refuse to support a candidate because they don't think that candidate is 100% perfect aren't seeing reality. You can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

By refusing to lend support to a good candidate, they risk allowing a terrible one to get into office. And when Trump is in office and decides that all Muslims aren't US citizens anymore and must be deported, will these people say "but at least we kept Biden out of office"?

2023: "We recognize that, in the next four years, our decision may cause us to have an even more difficult time"

2025: "Well I never thought the GOP was going to eat MY face! There was no way I could save seen this coming"

The leopards are going to have their bellies full of face meat this election season...

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Maybe… Just maybe this is an attempt to get Biden to finally listen. Because it sure seems like he hasn’t been. All the people in this thread sure are quick to write off how it feels to be Muslim/Arab in America right now.

Everyone saying "this is a vote for democracy" apparently doesn't see the irony in demanding everyone vote for a single candidate no matter what or democracy fails. Like isn't the whole point of democracy having the ability to pressure politicians to make concessions to your cause?

So many BlueAnon comments too. Yeah for sure this is just a massive Russian psyop, definitely not people trying to stop their ethnic group from being genocided 🙄

Bring on the downvotes.

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Isn't Biden pretty much the only reason Netanyahu agreed to a cease fire? Hasn't he been warning Israel from the beginning not to follow the same path and make the same mistakes as the US after 9/11? It's also regularly reported his administration is pressuring Israeli leaders to stop what they're doing to civilians. Given that the US genuinely cannot directly control what the Netanyahu administration does, I guess I'm asking what you want him to do differently?

Given that the US genuinely cannot directly control what the Netanyahu administration does, I guess I’m asking what you want him to do differently?

Make US aid contingent on not committing genocide would be a great help. Reagan stopped the bombing of West Beirut with a literal phone call. The US has that much influence on Israel.

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We don't actually know how much Biden has really been doing. By all indications, Qatar and Egypt were more influential in getting the ceasefire to happen.

And the US just sent a bunch of new high powered weaponry over to Israel for destroying buildings better:

And apparently one of the four main people in the US government with influence on proceedings is a pro-genocide maniac who is happy for things to proceed as they are so long as it makes money:\_n\_656936c0e4b07b937ff4287f?4q

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Maybe… Just maybe this is an attempt to get Biden to finally listen.

Yeah, but Democrats don't listen.

Maybe... Just maybe, don't threaten to throw the whole country, including yourself, under the bus just because you can't completely change a country's position they'd had for over 50 years in 2 months.

I’m likely voting for Joe Biden. But I’m not an Arab or Muslim. I’m a Jewish guy who can see how fucked it is to have to vote for a guy that doesn’t believe how many Palestinians were killed or is actively throwing gobs of cash to the country that is indiscriminately bombing friends, family, people who are the same religion, who are the same race. I’m not in a position to judge. Keyboard warriors such as yourself are.

I'm a trans, jewish, atheist, social democrat. I'm on the chopping block as much as you or anyone else if Trump wins in 2024. I'm going to be warrioring my keyboard up all of your asses if it means more people vote for Biden. Under a fascist dictatorship, I could very well be too dead to hear your judgments so keep them coming.

Israel is committing genocide in the Gaza strip against Palestinians. That doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on people who inadvertently enable ethnic cleansing and genocide here in the US. Two wrongs don't make a right. Our imperfect democracy is the best tool we have to enact positive change. Once it's gone, typing about it won't bring it back. So I'm going to type about it for as long as I can.

We have until November 5th, 2024 to convince people to vote against fascism. That means pointing out abstaining from voting or voting third party helps Trump and the fascists. A fascist takeover doesn't benefit the Palestinians in the short term and it doesn't benefit them in the long term. Biden is a hard pill to swallow, and we are going to have to remember that when we try to sell people on him, but silence in the face of fascism is death. edit: typo

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Incredibly shortsighted. This conflict has no easy solution and everyone involved wants Biden to take their side.

The trouble here is that the democrats coalition has stakes in both sides. This entire conflict was practically a gift to the republicans.

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Honest question: what would Trump be doing right now? Nuking Gaza? Nuking Iran? "If you're not with us, you're against us"? And I'm sure Fox News would be backing him up how the US needs to invade Iran.

Probably nothing. I think his foreign policy resembles something if an isolationist one. But Israel is a wildcard when it comes to US politics so who knows.

Were you out sick the time Trump assassinated a top Iranian general in Iraq and almost caused WW3 over it?

Rounding up "terrorist sympathizers" domestically while encouraging Israel to go full genocide and rattling all the sabers at Iran. It would be a complete shitshow and probably spiral out of control quickly.

Every election cycle it seems to happen. Republicans mostly put aside their individual beefs and vote against the same candidates. Meanwhile, everyone else slap fights and struggles to come to any consensus. Positive change can happen. Fuck me if we agree on what to tackle first. I'd be rather impressed if there wasn't so much on the line.

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Jews for Hitler was a German Jewish organization during the Weimar Republic and the early years of Nazi Germany that eventually came out in support of Adolf Hitler.

This is not that. There's nothing in the article to suggest that they are supporting Republicans.

They even admit they may have to 'recalibrate' if their campaign doesn't achieve results.

They are announcing that they want change from the Democrats. Frankly, this is what environmental, labor, feminist and police reform movements should be doing. The Democrats are better than. Republicans on all those issues, BUT THEY STILL SUCK.

For all those castigating them for not supporting Biden: imagine the issue is abortion, and the Democrats are upholding a bipartisan anti-abortion consensus, the only difference being they feel bad about it sometimes. Would you still be blasting the women's rights activists trying to raise a stink, and tell them to shut up because the alternative is worse?

Yes. That’s not a hard question to answer.

One of two candidates is winning the presidential election. The Republican or the Democrat. That’s it. Those are the two to pick from.

For all those castigating them for not supporting Biden: imagine the issue is abortion, and the Democrats are upholding a bipartisan anti-abortion consensus, the only difference being they feel bad about it sometimes.

Henry Cuellar is a pretty good example of why I don't have to tax my imagination too severely on that one.

If one candidate vowed to stop abortion and the other candidate vowed to end elections, violently suppress dissent and install themselves as a dictator, I sure as hell would vote for the anti-abortion candidate. I would hate it, but I would still do it.

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Republicans can’t believe their luck. Like, did they even have to pay for this one?

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Americans would deserve everything they would get and worse if they elected Trump over Biden because of a conflict overseas.

They've shown they can be self destructive having elected Trump before but if the Muslim community legitimately thinks that the guy who banned Muslims from immigrating as one of his first moves in office would be any more friendly to the Muslim community, then they'd deserve their fates.

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Be nice if the leaders endorsed third parties instead of just going anti-democrat. Gotta give people the alternative and keep that vote relevant.

Voting third party or sitting at home is the same damn thing when it comes to effecting the outcome of the election.

With the electoral college, going to vote is the same as not voting in the vast majority of places with regards to the federal elections.

Michigan, which contains a lot of Arab Americans, is one of those places where votes very much do matter.

Indiana went for Obama in 2008. Don't make assumptions.

Reagan got almost every electoral vote in 84, with the exceptions of Minnesota and DC. But in landslide wins, your vote matters even less.

Not trying to get the votes of people whose votes you need is dangerous negligence.

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