Texas attorney general says he will sue doctor who gives abortion to Kate Cox

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 635 points –
Texas attorney general says he will sue doctor who gives abortion to Kate Cox

Ken Paxton issues threat after judge ruled this week that Cox, a pregnant woman with a lethal fetal diagnosis, can get an abortion

The Texas attorney general, Ken Paxton, has threatened to prosecute any doctor who provides an abortion to Kate Cox, a woman with a non-viable pregnancy, advising hospitals to ignore a court order issued on Thursday allowing her to get the procedure.

The rightwing Paxton issued the warning to three Houston-area hospitals after a Texas judge ruled this week that Cox, a pregnant woman with a lethal fetal diagnosis, may obtain an abortion under the narrow medical exceptions offered by the state bans.

In a brazen dismissal of the court’s decision, Paxton wrote that the judge’s order “will not insulate hospitals, doctors or anyone else from civil and criminal liability”.

Paxton also wrote that the hospital where Cox obtains an abortion “may be liable for negligent credentialing the physician” who performs the procedure.


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Reading this as a non-American, it feels surreal. How can such a basic right be stripped from all women, and then have men stand up and defend such a disgusting situation. Do they have no shame? No moral compass?

Don’t forget the contempt for law and order - ignoring a court decision for personal beliefs as an AG

Do they have no shame? No moral compass?

They don't. That's what it means to be a Republican.

All for a non-viable fetus. Not that it should matter, she should have the right to choose either way, but it makes this particularly insane.

If I was that woman's husband I would probably be in jail for trying to murder one of these idiots by this point this is infuriating

Good thing you're not.

The only thing you'd achieve would be causing her to have to deal with this BS while her husband is in jail.

You are giving credit to the wrong people by framing it as all women losing a right and men defending that decision.

Tens of millions of American men vote for candidates who protect women’s rights.

Tens of millions of American women vote for candidates who seek to strip women’s rights.

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