Texas attorney general says he will sue doctor who gives abortion to Kate Cox

MicroWave@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 635 points –
Texas attorney general says he will sue doctor who gives abortion to Kate Cox

Ken Paxton issues threat after judge ruled this week that Cox, a pregnant woman with a lethal fetal diagnosis, can get an abortion

The Texas attorney general, Ken Paxton, has threatened to prosecute any doctor who provides an abortion to Kate Cox, a woman with a non-viable pregnancy, advising hospitals to ignore a court order issued on Thursday allowing her to get the procedure.

The rightwing Paxton issued the warning to three Houston-area hospitals after a Texas judge ruled this week that Cox, a pregnant woman with a lethal fetal diagnosis, may obtain an abortion under the narrow medical exceptions offered by the state bans.

In a brazen dismissal of the court’s decision, Paxton wrote that the judge’s order “will not insulate hospitals, doctors or anyone else from civil and criminal liability”.

Paxton also wrote that the hospital where Cox obtains an abortion “may be liable for negligent credentialing the physician” who performs the procedure.


An attorney general is “advising hospitals to ignore a court order”.

Read that sentence again.

He is supposed to be an officer of the court. It is his job to uphold the law, regardless of how he feels about it personally. The judge ruled explicitly on this particular woman’s specific situation - there is no reasonable room for interpretation here.

This man is putting his own opinion above the rule of law. He is radically unsuited for his job and deserves to be disbarred.

This guy is under an FBI investigation and felony fraud charges. He is ignoring the court because he holds a criminal mindset and has zero respect for the law.

GOOD. Thank you for the context. I hope he’s indicted soon.

Not likely… he’s been under investigation for years. I was hoping his spat with the republicans that impeached him would accelerate his other legal issues, but they all concluded with a big nothing.

He was indicted 8 years ago. How he has managed to avoid a trial shows an astounding level of corruption in Texas. Fuck this guy and all the sycophants that protect and enable him.


What. The. Fuck.

Christofascist isn't just a neat pun. Guys like him masturbate to The Handmaid's Tale.

and a loooot of conservatives feel similarly. Bunch of weak men mistaking their agression for confidance and not the fear-driven response that it is.

Bold of you to assume he can read.

For the Republicans, it’s not about protecting babies, it’s about punishing women.

Just plain cruelty. There's no hate like Christian love.

Fuck that guy. I hope his dick falls off

Won't someone rid us of this meddlesome clown's penis?

If karma were real, it’d be long gone

As a physician, I am completely lost as to why any OB-GYN (or other healthcare professional, for that matter) still feels comfortable practicing in the state of Texas.

They literally criminalized healthcare and turned doctors into potential perps. I'd be terrified that a patient unplanned miscarriage would turn into a murder investigation with me as the primary suspect.

I could totally see Texas go after a physician with SWAT and trash their house and kill their dog when bringing them in just to make an example for everyone else.

Sad but I can’t imagine practicing in Texas and feeling safe.

So hold him in contempt of court. Otherwise he’ll be emboldened and do it more

Given the diagnosis and complications that have already occurred, this seems like it goes beyond contempt of court to me. I would consider this to be attempted murder of the mother.

WTF is this ramble at the end on about?

“While the Biden administration continues to make up rules that are unconstitutional, I will keep holding them accountable,” Paxton said in a statement released earlier this year. “I will not allow the Biden administration to threaten doctors and hospitals with this unlawful mandate and put millions of Texans’ access to healthcare on the line.”

Projection, the P part of GOP.

Ah yes, the Grand Old Projection party.

The "party" p is lowercase because the name is not referring to a proper political party but rather to a group of people came together to have fun among themselves while making the lives of everyone else a living hell, just like frats do during off-seasons.

Greatest country on earth ladies and gentlemen, land of the free my arse.

Look at this idiot, he even looks like a republican.

Like what the hackiest cartoonist would draw if asked to draw a republican.

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You guys remember Death Panels, the anti-Obamacare cry that legislatures want to get between you and your doctor to decide who can get care?

Every Republican who jumped on that bandwagon needs to eat crow and realize they flipped like a bitch when it suited their anti-abortion argument.

That don't care. They don't even feel. Unless it's anger

Well careful now... Mike Johnson was ordained by God, almost a second Moses, and those rights to rule are not from government but the Almighty. And we all know Anger isn't from God but from the devil.

/s (if it wasn't obvious)

Keep banning books and privatizing schools folks, this is the indoctrination we'll end up with.

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He doesn't care about a baby that won't even be born, he just wants her to die for being a woman who had sex with someone who wasn't him.

It’s not about her having sex with someone that wasn’t him- I guarantee he couldn’t care less about that.

What he does care about is that he needs to control her every move and decision along with his voting base can’t think for themselves and need to be controlled by scum just like this piece of shit.

They’re all cowards that won’t think for themselves.

It’s literally about fear and control. They keep their base afraid.

Reading this as a non-American, it feels surreal. How can such a basic right be stripped from all women, and then have men stand up and defend such a disgusting situation. Do they have no shame? No moral compass?

Don’t forget the contempt for law and order - ignoring a court decision for personal beliefs as an AG

Do they have no shame? No moral compass?

They don't. That's what it means to be a Republican.

All for a non-viable fetus. Not that it should matter, she should have the right to choose either way, but it makes this particularly insane.

If I was that woman's husband I would probably be in jail for trying to murder one of these idiots by this point this is infuriating

Good thing you're not.

The only thing you'd achieve would be causing her to have to deal with this BS while her husband is in jail.

You are giving credit to the wrong people by framing it as all women losing a right and men defending that decision.

Tens of millions of American men vote for candidates who protect women’s rights.

Tens of millions of American women vote for candidates who seek to strip women’s rights.

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Some of these republicans have never even heard of angry mobs pulling people who destroy their lives out of their homes and returning the favor. Just fucking with people with impunity.

Man I'd love to see lynching brought back for these scum.

They're pushing for it, don't be surprised when it happens.

They're going to push us until we break, and then act like we're the animals when they've caged us. Vote in your local elections. Find these fuckers on the streets and call them out. Make them scared to take a shit at their local organic grocery chain.

Unfortunately the result will be martial law and excuses to consolidate power. Making you mad enough to act out violently is part of the plan to take away pesky things like elections.

Thats happening regardless. Your rights already have an expiration date. Whatever perceived loses you may incur, have already been lost. The only question worth asking is are we goong to kill fascism in the cradle or allow it a place in our society? Its that serious.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but I'm pointing out that this is part of their plan and you need to think of an unexpected, outside the box solution to remove the threat.

I dont think this requires extraordinary thinking. I think it requires unity and resolve. The trick isn't thinking of some as-of-yet untried third angle. The trick is to sew together a house divided and point their anger at the 4,000 or so oligarchs reigning in terror.

The extraordinary thinking is needed for finding a way to amass unity and resolve, especially when the owners of the tools to deliver messages to the masses carefully control the messages getting to them, up to and including neutering the tools when they become too much of a threat to their power (i.e. Twitter)

Emotionally I'm with you, but I don't want that to be back on the table where anyone can decide to use it again. Because you know the type of people who would use it first.

In Texas you're more likely to see this happen to any doctor who steps up, unfortunately. With the tacit support if the state, of course.

That's what protests originally were for. The reason they're called demonstrations is because you're demonstrating the number of people that will be armed and angry if the people in power ignore you. Without that implied threat, they're at most mildly inconvenient. It's meant to be a final check and balance, if you fuck up badly enough, the people beat you to death and burn your house down.

It should never have to come to that, but taking it off the table entirely renders the first step a bit pointless.

Have you done your duty and told a conservative they're an idiot today?

I hope that they keep doubling down. When unlikely voters show up.... They tend to vote down ballot.

Literally the dog that caught the car.

Not exactly. There was a nice lady at the bus stop I was having a normal conversation with, and after 10 or 15 minutes she suddenly started talking angrily about how "blacks" are "lazy" and always on the news for doing something.

I was speechless, so she turned to me and asked, "do you like the blacks?" I slowly nodded my head, it was all I could do, I was so shocked. Then she goes "oh, okay," and just drops the subject. Now I'm shocked for a second time at how damn polite this woman is about such a hateful belief.

Later on, the bus comes, and we get on. For context, the driver is a black man, and there are a few other people on the bus, none of them white. She has a very friendly conversation with the driver, and a one point she turns to me, and she tries to tell me he's one of the good "blacks," except instead of "blacks" she makes a vague gesture with her hand and adds, "like I was telling you about."

All this to say, I was too baffled to call her an idiot. Sorry for going way off topic, I've just been stuck on that weird interaction all day. I mean, I've met racist people before, but I've never been treated so much like one of the "in group" that agrees with them, especially after saying that I don't. For that matter, I've never been politely asked, "Do you like the blacks?" before. Ugh, sorry. Just a weird day.

Man, it would really be “sad” if he tripped and fell into a pit full of filthy dull knives and venomous snakes. Just a real “tragedy.”

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Why do people like AG Paxton keep trying to insert themselves between people like this woman and God?

They're going to kill this woman, they're going to do it on national TV... and then they're going to cheer about it

He just interfered with this woman's ability to pursue legal Healthcare to protect her life. If she dies as a result of the medical complications associated with the pregnancy, I don't see how he doesn't get charged with manslaughter at a minimum.

It would be very difficult to charge him because prosecutors have absolute immunity for charging decisions. Even if any other prosecutor wanted to charge him they would have a very high bar to prove he overstepped his role as a prosecutor.

As a prosecutor you'd think you'd be required by law to follow all rulings by a judge?

Edit - What if a judge rules someone innocent and Paxton is like nah, you go to prison anyway.

This isn't any different?

Sadly I agree with with your point. While I, as someone who is definitely not a prosecutor, think there is a pretty strong case that he is using the power of his office to prevent someone from exercising their legal freedoms to try to survive, I am ignorant of how charges like that could be brought and expect that Paxton enjoys some pretty broad protections, whether his position should or not.

He should be held liable for medical malpractice, as a private citizen

can we just destroy texas

I keep saying "expel them from the Union for being more trouble than they're worth" but people think I'm joking.

Only state to fight a war for slavery twice btw

They have so much of our oil, though. Maybe we'd be okay with Alaska and renewable investment...

As someone who lives in Texas: FUCKING PLEASE.

But let those of us not on the Christian Nationalist train get refugee status in the states that are still sane though, please and thank you!

One of the only things of any value to come from the Trump administration, is that these cowards are no longer worried about saying the quiet thing out loud.

It’s like cockroaches that aren’t afraid of the light anymore- but still love bing cockroaches.

Don't worry, cockroaches respect the democratic process and human rights. Just keep voting for the status quo and everything will be okay.

This poor woman. Wtf instead of just getting her life saving care she has to watch idiots arguing about it for months.

I feel like that's all that's needed to drop a SLAPP suit on him, which is Ironic because Anti-SLAPP laws are one of the areas where Texas is actually ahead of the curve