Cyberpunk 2077: 3 years ago today we released Cyberpunk 2077. Since then, thanks to your feedback and support, we've transformed the game through various patches and updates into the Ultimate Edition.

nanoUFO@sh.itjust.worksmod to – 161 points –

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Is this game any fun?

If you like shooters and cyberpunk stories: Yes.

The shooting is great, the world is cool as fuck to explore, and the story is on point for the genre.

If you don't like shooters or cyberpunk/sci-fi as a genre it probably won't change your mind. The gameplay isn't mind-blowing; it's pretty average though the combat somewhat reminds me of Dishonored except without teleportation and time manipulation other than bullet time. The story is mostly well-written, but there's one jarring plot hole about half-way through the main story, and the pacing is a little weird when it comes to interacting with Johnny because of the open-world nature; the dialogue, though, is good throughout.

As an RPG it's very light. You have choices, and they matter and some of those choices you make by leaving dialogue and just doing something (like shooting a machine or just leaving the area). But you don't get these all the time, and when you do you have like 3 or 4 options. The skill tree is big, but it's also a mess (even now after it's been reworked twice.) I always find myself overwhelmed by how many options there are, but underwhelmed by what they actually give.

What's the plot hole again? It's been a while since I played.

Yeah, it's really fun. If it worked for you on release, it was fun then too, with some issues. Now? Absolutely a blast.

I went in completely blind, knowing just the name and it's a future shooter. It's cool, I did side quests as they became available (ignoring storyline) and I think that's the best way to do it, vs story first then side.

I'm disabled so played with a mouse only (kb for menus etc). I had a good time start to finish, and I only fucked up one side-quests (kinda mission design, kinda being an idiot). I haven't played in a couple years, want to see what the new content is, just been hooked on other games.

I know the game "fell short" of hype but idc because I was interested and very very intentionally ignored all the hype bullshit. I feel I got my money's worth, and enjoyed everything so far (story complete, all side as of 2y ago).

I thought the game was dull, characters was dull, voice acting was dull, not interesting story, Keanu was annoying. 4/10. Tried playing again after the new patch,and remembered the game was boring after 5 min.

Can't tell if you're being a jackass or a contrarian.

It was a serious question. I haven’t played this game.

To me it looks good and has a few fun quests or sidequests. But overall i found it pretty boring. The driving is garbage, enemies are bullet sponges and once you get some upgrades there isn't even a point in fighting them anymore.

The driving was absolutely atrocious imo. Last time I played it, I had to use a lot of mods to make the game not be exasperating.

Eg... Tiny minimap; poor car handling; the HUD elements not scaling properly and being too small to read

I liked the gameplay and environmental of Watch_Dogs 2 more (edit: on the latter, it's about how lively WD2 felt compared to 2077), but Cyberpunk 2077 is still solid. As someone else said, there's replay value to the different routes you can take. I'd definitely wait for the base game to go on sale though. I got mine for £25 and I think that's an alright price for it.

While I find that hard to believe, I'll take you at your word. As someone who has over 2k hours over the last three years, yes, it's fun.

That’s cool. I was playing Starfield and kind of lost interest. Aren’t Starfield and Cyberpunk made by the same people?

Not at all. Starfield is bland horseshit, this game had an extremely compelling setting even when it sucked. At this point it is a great experience with a lot of replay value due to the numerous choices and decisions you can make.

What? Are you unable to do even the bare minimum of reading? Are you seriously asking if CDPR and Bethesda are the same developers?

Ah, that makes sense. So this is the type of person who enjoyed 2077.

Yup, someone who is able to read, and is able to do the bare modicum of research instead of asking the most generic questions.

This is a forum. It's a place for people to talk to each other, ask questions, and share ideas. There is no requirement that you must find your own answers. If there was, then nobody would ever ask questions anywhere on the internet in the first place.

Quit being a jackass, dude. Not everybody is as thoroughly invested into the things you are and may not have the intimate level of knowledge of those subjects as you, and you're being a real prick by trying to shame somebody for not knowing something.

They have 2000 hrs in CP2077. But clearly never read or heard of 'How to make friends & influence people'

No, someone so deeply self obsessed they couldnt even fathom that someone who plays games doesnt pay attention to the publisher or developer.

Thats exactly the kind of person who forces themselves to like something they assumed they would like and spent money on it. A bad bagel, a poorly fitting shirt, an unfinished game. "I bought it, clearly its good!"

The kind of person who assumes anyone asking questions they already know the answer to must be trolling, because everything you know is generic, and everything you dont is unnecessary.

When’s the last time you had sex?

Ask your mom.

So you’re a virgin outside of maybe bagging a fat bitch or a hooker

As long as we're clear that you're the one calling your mom that.

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