Apple Is Holding the Final Nail for X’s Coffin to – 302 points –
Apple Is Holding the Final Nail for X’s Coffin

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I could see either of these things happening:

  • Musk pouts and (laughably) threatens to build a better Apple.
  • Musk says he’ll buy Apple. Fails hilariously.

You do realize Elon and Steve Jobs share more traits than don't? If he owned Apple it would actually work pretty well I'd think. Ignoring the fact it's way too expensive for him.

Haha I have no love for Apple but musk would immediately tank it. His first decree on day one as ceo would be that all apps in the apple store would have to make fart noises when you open them

Honestly they would likely manage the same.

Both are obsessed about micromanaging every aspect of the device.

Both work their staff to death and expect the impossible.

Both create a company that is a brand. That is, there are better products out there, but people will pay a premium just to say they own an Apple device/Tesla.

It's actually extremely logical/a great fit.

The only reason we think so highly of Jobs is he died before social media

I mean, he died in 2011 and pretty much all of his worst behaviors are well documented and I think he's well regarded in spite of those things, but importantly also because he seemed to learn and grow through his life. The worst things Jobs seem to be responsible for are barely a Tuesday for Elon these days, and the level of talent are also so disparate that putting them in the same sentence is a little absurd.

To think he would've lived if he didn't act like a total nutcase and rely on alternative medicine...

Honestly crazy to me. Access to the best doctors and medicine in the world with no worries about money. Easy curable disease and yet you are so fucking high on yourself and your ways you die from it.

I guess money won't fix arrogance mixed with stupidity. Such a shame...

Isn't pancreatic cancer one of the lowest survival rate cancers?

Edit: thank you for teaching me Lemmy!

Yes, but Jobs had a very rare type of cancer, neuroendocrine. One that was, apparently, much easier to treat because it grows very slowly. He was diagnosed, could have gotten a surgery and dealt with what the doctors called a "shadow" on his pancreas. He decided, instead, that he would opt for more holistic treatments. 9 months later, he opts for modern treatments. At this point it was too late.

Pancreatic cancer survival rate is so low because it's usually caught when things are too late, as there are usually no symptoms when it's treatable. Job's not only had the easier version of pancreatic cancer to deal with, he also caught it at the literal perfect time. The only reason he died was because he decided that he knew better.

I heard someone explain once that the ultra rich get both the best and the worst medical care.

The best because there's literally no treatment they can't afford.

The worst because on one hand it's totally medicine à la carte, they get to pick whatever they want. And on the other hand they have to constantly ward off snake oil being sold to them.

He was diagnosed with insulinoma, which unlike other pancreatic cancers, is curable and can be treated with surgery. Doctors recommended an early operation but Mr Jobs could not be persuaded to stop his pursuit of alternative remedies.

Mr Jobs went public about his cancer in 2004 after finally agreeing to surgery that year, by which time the cancer had spread.

He realised the delay had been a mistake and told his biographer Walter Isaacson: "I should have gotten it earlier."

He survived 8 years with it though, whilst refusing normal medical attention. Given that, had he dealt with it in the first or even second year he'd have probably had a good shot at surviving.


If you read their biographies instead of just idol worshipping Jobs I think you'd understand a bit better.

Seems like people just want to think Jobs wasn't a piece of shit when he definitely was.