Videos show Israeli soldiers in Gaza burning food, vandalizing a shop and ransacking private homes | CNN to World – 696 points –
Videos show Israeli soldiers in Gaza burning food, vandalizing a shop and ransacking private homes | CNN

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You had me until the weird antisemitic pivot.

I read the entire article after reading your comment.. Honestly asking, what was the antisemitic pivot?

The pivot is in the comment he’s replying to not the article

Ahhh i did not see a comment above his, probably blocked that user.. thanks for the info!

Edit: hmm I searched for this user and he was not yet blocked. I wonder if this is related to the iOS App for lemmy, Memmy..

Edit 2: so I was curious as to why I could not see that users comment, so went and downloaded a different Lemmy App, Voyager

This is how the comment section looks on Memmy for Lemmy

And this is how the comments show up on Voyager

I know this is not the best community to ask this, but anyone else have similar problems?

Both of these are on the same instance ( on the same device

Here is the comment they were referring to.

Of course this goes on constantly. Israel has the power, not the people getting massacred in Gaza. They can do whatever they want with impunity. Just let no one ever tell me that anti-semitism is wrong again, or they'll have their jewish teeth punched out. Men are all intrinsically evil, this just goes to prove it even more than ever before.

By user tygerprints

I really appreciate you copy/pasting not only the comment itself, but also adding the username <3

That was indeed an “exusemewtf” comment. Glad the original user I replied to called him out on this!

I'm glad my comment has had such an impact and caused such reverential analysis and back and forth. It proves my words were powerful and my ideas were provocative and contain harsh truths men do not want to face about themselves.

Thanks for sharing the screenshots, this is definitely something that could lead to misunderstandings in the future. Could you also try looking on the browser or a different app to see when it happens? I'm curious

I also appreciate that everyone quickly and calmly figured out what was up. I've seen pointless arguments and insults over the tiniest misunderstandings on other social media so this was a nice change :)

I’m not sure if you’ll even see this but yeah I’ve had that happen a lot. I think with a message gets deleted it doesn’t show a deleted message like it does on reddit it’s just gone. I can’t even see your message in the actual thread I’m just replying from my inbox

Okay so i just checked in browaer, private mode, same thing, shows barely anything comments wise

In memmy I cannot even open this thread without crashing the app anymore :(

Any other apps i might be able to check on iOS?

But since this is in browser as well, i expect it has to do with my instance (, which would surprise me..

About your second paragraph, I love being able to converse with internet strangers without the need for name calling etc. I love it here because of these kind of interactions..

I have found my people <3

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I once had some reverence for Jewish people but after seeing the wholesale slaughter (and yes I've seen photos not made public yet) by Israli armies and their soldiers laughing as they beat the brains out of kids, I can honestly say I have no repect for Jews any longer. IN my view, they make Nazis look like saints by comparison. I will never again support the jews or call them human beings in any way shape or form.

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If Israel wants people in the U.S. not to turn completely anti-semitic, they need to stop slaughtering Palestinians of any kind.

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