This person's rejection reason

The Picard to Mildly – 1451 points –

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I fucking despise the fact that AI almost exclusively is responsible for throwing out 99% of all resumes before they reach a human being

This isn't just AI. AI doesn't care about jokes or memes or "professionalism." This was either a review by an actual human that didn't realize people are born on April 20th or an AI told to reject resumes with that date in it.

Either way, it's a really dumb person that set this rule.

My guess is it's programmed to reject 4/20 anywhere it finds it and the programmer didn't take into account that some values can just happen to be 4/20.

Although I have to ask- who would put any weed references on a resume that wasn't tailored for, say, a weed dispensary job?

I interviewed a guy whose dev career involved a (pretty good) front-end for a grow operation. I believe the ownership at that company may have opted against hiring because of that. I'll admit, I wasn't wowed by his skills enough to go to bat for him.

Hmm, might be a list of no go words they complied from somewhere. You're right, it's very unlikely that someone actively excluded 420 but maybe they downloaded a list of "bad words".

Sounds plausible. Could just be extremely lazy. "What about dates with 4/20" "Oh come on, how often will that legitimately occur"

The chances against it must be one in a million.

What is wrong with April 20th?

4:20 is the traditional time to smoke marijuana.

I'm not getting up that early. What's the point in having a drug habit if you don't get to lie in I thought that was the whole point?

4:20 p.m., known as 1620 in much of the world.

The problem isn't AI the problem is brainless humans who configured the AI.

AI isn't going to become skynet and take over the world unless someone tells it to. In which case the human is the problem.