Americans, what are your plans if Trump wins in 2024? to Ask – 257 points –

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I'm working to set up connections to folks in Canada that will be willing to relocate LGBTQ folks across the border.

Kind of odd to ask because of its latitude. But are there any warmer places in Canada really? Does it snow a decent amount everywhere or are some areas different? I know this might be too niche but I figured I'd ask a most likely native.

Vancouver and Seattle have basically the same weather patterns. lots of rain, annoyingly muggy summers, and mild winters.

Source: vancouverite

I believe that they also live in houses in Canada. You won't be exposed to snow unless you go outside

I like to go outside and take walks easily without having to dress up a lot or worry about slipping

If you're considering Canada, don't vote Conservative

Anywhere near a large body of water is going to be quite temperate

Don't listen to this, it's a trick to try to get you to move to Thunder Bay!