Company tells employees to run miles each month if they want their bonuses

Lee to World – 389 points –
Company tells employees to run miles each month if they want their bonuses

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100km/mo = 3.33km/day or A little over 2 miles a day.

Which sounds do-able if you're fit and healthy. But what if you're disabled or partially disabled?

Reality is you dont want to run every day. You can. But you should not for the sake of your joints.

Realistically this should be 6-8kms, 3-4 times a week.

Fast walking is about 90% of the benefits of running with 10% the injury potential (casual assessment)

If you can't do 2 miles a day you are nowhere even close to the realm of a healthy person. Like not even within a 100 miles of healthy

Or disabled. I found out yesterday I get to go back into a total contact cast for a foot deformity. :( I currently can't walk to the mailbox, forget about two miles.

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