Company tells employees to run miles each month if they want their bonuses

Lee to World – 389 points –
Company tells employees to run miles each month if they want their bonuses

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No they are not. A bonus is for your performance at work and when I run it's on my own damn time.

IDGAF how much of a bonus it is, 30% is all fine and dandy but again, if they aren't letting employees run on company time or paying employees for the time while they run during their off hours, then it's still a fuck no from me and it's complete bullshit to base a performance based bonus on you doing shit on your off time.

But hey, if you like having your company keeping tabs on how much you run vs how well you actually do at work for your bonus, I guess good for you, just not my cup of tea.

What if you get this bonus on top of your normal bonus? Would you walk then?

Again, no because a bonus is based on your performance at work, how you coworkers performed, how you all performed together at work and unless your work was directly related to you and your team running and even then you'd be running on company time.

A person running has fuck all to do with performance at work and thinking about it more especially more with the various people I have and do work with, I find myself thinking how this really is an assinine idea that is not only a overstep into community script territory but also could be a very shitty thing for employee morale.

A bonus can be anything. Doesn't necessarily have to be tied to your performance. It's called a discretionary bonus

My question assumes you get your normal performance-based bonus... But you get an additional bonus based on your walking

Maybe it's just me, but I find it mind-boggling that you wouldn't do it. You're getting paid to be healthy, essentially...

This screams I'm overweight.

I'm not overweight but fucking hate running.

I'll never understand why anyone enjoys running. I absolutely hate it and feel terrible after running. I ran every day for 22 years (former military) and hated every single day.

I prefer rowing, that is actually fun.

I personally love running because it's a time where I can just let my mind wander, reflect, or just have it go blank.

Plus it also helps when your half marathon path ended at the brewery where you have a tab.

There are other physical activities that people enjoy that do the same exact thing. Another person mentioned rowing, but riding a bicycle is also similar. The point is, not everyone likes running, even if they do like letting their mind wander.

Okay...and no where did I advocate that running is the only thing anyone can do.

Dude asked for an opinion of why a person would love running and so I gave one. No need to get all defensive, take it down a notch there.

Well, fair enough. But the other person did not ask for an opinion, quite the opposite even. They said they will never understand it. So at least to me it felt a bit like you were trying to convince the other person that running is better.

This screams I hate exercise and I'm overweight.

This screams I'm a pedantic little cuntnugget.

I'm sorry, the last two comments were immature and not representative of who I am. Don't know what came over me, but it's not the way to behave or act online or in person.

You don't have to accept this apology but know I strive to be better than what this comment chain shows.

Again sorry.

What the hell, a person reflecting their actions (somewhat) immediately without someone prompting them to do so. Good on you, dude.

This screams I'm a complete moron that can't understand or have a intellectual discussion over a topic so I'll just do a dumbass ad hominem attack.