Is there an artist so horrible that no matter how hard you try that you cannot separate their art from them? to Ask – 137 points –

Similar to the recent question about artists where you can successfully separate them from their art. Are there any artists who did something so horrible, so despicable, that it has instantly invalidated all art that they have had any part in?


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I still listen to Michael Jackson but I won’t listen to R Kelly.

Well to be fair one was found guilty in a court of law and the other (I don't believe but feel free to correct me) didn't even have a criminal case brought against him.

Well, one's alive and the other isn't. As long as the inheritors of MJ's estate are decent people, I think it's fine at this point. Still skeeves me out to listen to his stuff, though. Two verses in and my brain is popping.

You know that while he was incredibly strange, there were never any credible accusations right? There were a lot of people fluffing the stories trying to get a payout but there was never any evidence of wrongdoing.

As far as I'm aware none of MJs accusers still say he did anything, and nearly all of them say their parents pressured them to say stuff he didn't do for a settlement. He was definitely a weird guy but you look at his upbringing and it was trauma after trauma by adults exploiting him for money.

If it was one kid? I'd have doubts. Once it passed into double digits? Nope.

If there is one accusation still active, sure. But every single case I've heard of, the family withdrew and admitted they were looking for a cash settlement.

Loved Michael Jackson music so fucking much. Can’t stomach it anymore.

But the first few moments of Billy Jean…