Israeli Evidence of Hamas Command Center in al-Shifa Hospital Falls Short: Report to – 220 points –
Israeli Evidence of Hamas Command Center in al-Shifa Hospital Falls Short: Report

A Washington Post investigation found no proof of a Hamas command center under al-Shifa Hospital following Israel’s attack on the medical complex.


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Another BS analysis. Facts don't like the feelings of these reporters.

One of the tunnel rooms had a recent air conditioning installation deep under ground.

International media coverage has been trash and doesn't even bother anymore.

After the Shifa hospital director bold faced lied about the generator configuration why should anyone take their denials seriously. The IDF left 300L of fuel for them to run their (N) ICU which according to openly published research on their hospital would run their two generators for over a day. The currently under arrest director claimed it would barely last 30 minutes. There's another hospital director now on record about the hospitals being used for torture and command centers. There's also security footage of hostages being brought back to Shifa. Several hostages' bodies were recovered from the Shifa complex area.

Not to mention it's been a fact Shifa was used like this for going on 10 years if not longer. Western media only pays attention when there's Qatari ad money floating around. here's it on a record that international news media doesn't even bother to watch before publishing libelous bull shit to get literal slave state Ad dollars.

Writing it twice doesn't make you any less wrong. One of the hospital directors you referenced as admitting to Hamas using the hospital as a control center, did so under interrogation (see: torture).

You can see the video and he wasn't tortured.

Huffing gas doesn't make you any more right.

It's almost like there's literally hundreds of these deflectors spilling the beans now.

It's almost like there's literally hundreds of these deflectors spilling the beans now.

Prove it.

Here's a western source.

The times of Israel reported that the shin bet has done over 500 interrogations as of a few weeks ago. You know all those pictures of detained PoWs?

You're aware that Israel has a policy to censure any outgoing news articles involving the military, right? Western sources don't make a difference if the source has to get an OK from the Israeli military first.

You know Mr. Fabian is an independent reporter posting on telegram as things happen?

They censor actual military reporting. This is a video of an interrogation.

You know western reporters also get censored in Ukraine and on US operations too? Ukraine doesn't even allow reporters on the front line at all.

The censorship is to limit military hardware positions from being geolocated.

You can also poll the Arab minority and you might not like what they have to say

You're not pro Israeli, you're pro child murder and genocide. " Israel's Arab minority" is just Palestinian identity erasure with extra steps.

Good riddance to a made up nationalist identity then.

It was always ever Soviet propaganda anyway you all consumed. The Palestinian state lives on in Trans Jordan Palestine.

I'm Palestinian. It can go now. We prefer the term Arab Israeli with a super majority now.

You would know that if you even lived there or knew anything about the history.

It's sad when this quality of comment gets upvotes. May you one day understand the other point of view without resorting to monstrous accusations and name-calling; I suspect if you were in Israel's position you'd feel differently.

if you were in Israel's position you'd feel differently

I don't need to worry about that because I don't go around murdering families and creating irreconcilable enemies.

I don't quite get how a person can find themselve in a position of a country, but bear in mind that sometimes a country starts going around murdering without much asking its inhabitants

Do you go around defending yourself and your loved ones from hordes of murderers next door though?

And how did you end up with people who'd like to murder you next door? Did you maybe, I dunno, steal their land and kill their loved ones?

And how did you end up with people who’d like to murder you next door? Did you maybe, I dunno, steal their land and kill their loved ones?

Jews in the levant started out legally buying the land until Arab nationalists started murdering them for merely existing there and never stopped. Nakba lands were annexed because this same group declared war on Israel and lost. But you'd rather blame the Jews for... checks notes... defending themselves, I guess.

This comment is the equivalent of wearing a bowtie and trilby to a nightclub, and trying to convince the bartender that you can make a better martini than they can. With a dash of genocide denial.

No what’s sad is that you are so desperate for validation from useless pretend internet points.

I don't really care about pretend internet points, If I did I wouldn't be debating the hordes of anti-Israel concern trolls who love downvoting.

The evidence is overwhelming that Hamas used the hospitals for military purposes.

These pro-hamas guys don't care how many videos of militants firing rocket launchers for hospitals, how many actual Hamas members corroborate it, or even the weapons found there.

You can wake someone who's asleep but not someone pretending to sleep.