42 percent of GOP Iowa caucusgoers say ‘poisoning the blood’ remarks make them more likely to support Trump: poll

Simmumah@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 456 points –
42 percent of GOP Iowa caucusgoers say ‘poisoning the blood’ remarks make them more likely to support Trump: poll

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That's a lot of racists

Even if you disregard the Hitler aspect of the quote (which is a big if), there's no way to view that with any magnanimity.

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best," Trump said. “They're not sending you…They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists."

Any number in this context is too high, but you're talking about a percentage of a percentage of a percentage... And all of that in Iowa where, like in all of America, empty land doesn't vote.

  • people that are actually registered to vote in the sparsely populated state of Iowa > that declare for the gop officially > that weren't disqualified for insurrection felonies > that responded to this poll on landlines in the middle of the workday most likely > even then, less than half of those remaining people

"The poll, conducted between Dec. 2 and 7, features responses from 502 likely Republican Iowa caucusgoers and has a maximum margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percentage points."

These "polls" are not representative of large sentiment nationally, but don't rely on that! Register to vote, get others to register and everybody vote please!

Only about 30% of Germans in the 1930s agreed with Naziism. Only about 30% of Italians agreed with Mussolini. That’s all it ever takes for fascism to win, because there’s also always about 30% who will passively let it happen because ‘you’re being alarmist’ and ‘it’s not that bad’ and ‘the economy is doing well’ and whatever other excuse.

That last 30% is why German civilians were made to walk through the liberated camps and witness the indescribable atrocities committed against their neighbours. They were just as culpable as those who actively participated, and that point needed to be driven home for all the world to see. eta: And many nations swiftly moved to show that lesson to children in classrooms for decades, to ensure it wouldn’t be forgotten.

If you’re seeing double-digits of fascists, you must at least double that number to approximate the real threat.

These “polls” are not representative of large sentiment nationally, but don’t rely on that!

True...I bet the national average is higher than 40% of Republicans.