Someone made an account just to harrass me. how do i report it? to /kbin – 6 points –

the acccount name is fuckyou<myusername> and is downvote stalking me , account :


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Maybe your opinions just suck?

You did say colonialism was good for Africa, like an asshole.

So seven minutes after Zima posted about a mystery stalker dogging his every comment, you jumped in on the thread with a complaint about something he posted two weeks ago, which when you subsequently linked to it was clearly not saying what you're accusing him of saying and makes you sound like some sort of vindictive crazy person?

What a coincidence!

Let's see if a Fuckyoufacedeer account appears now.

Edit: Oh, another amazing coincidence: nine minutes after Fuckyouzima downvoted Zima's two-week-old comment, you also downvoted his two-week-old comment. And then two minutes later you made your first comment in this thread. We can see who downvotes what and when, you know.

Are you good? A guy complained about brigading downvotes, I checked if maybe the person complaining was just an asshole (as sometimes it turns out when people complain folks are out to get them). They were.

I have never heard of Zima before this post, and I have better things to do than brigade vote people on fake accounts.

I never complained about you voting down my every comment. that's fine if you do that i'll do the same to you.
I complained about the alt account with \username. but I guess facts are irrelevant to trolls like you.

I never downvoted your every comment, I don't even know who you are beyond the guy who downvoting my giving condolences to someone mourning their dead father, so thanks for that.

let me make it simpler for you. you mischaracterized the creation of an alt account to stalk somoene as "A guy complained about brigading downvotes" you should slow down and reconsider the facts.

I just wondered if maybe people had a legitimate reason to hate you and then learned you were a colonialism apologist.

I don't condone "FuckZima"
Bernie Mac voice
...but I understand.

for the fifth time. people that want to be willfully ignorant of history and feel entitled to reparations might be angry at me and others that might have arguments against it but that doesnt mean they should be allowed to creat alt accounts dedicated to harrass me.

I get it; you're racist. You don't have to keep trying to get me to believe that; I am more than convinced.

no you don't get it. you are entitled to believe that people that don't agree with you are facist or racists. but that doesnt mean you can create alt accounts to harrass them.

but that doesnt mean you can create alt accounts to harrass them.

What does that have to do with me, a person who hasn't made any alt accounts to harass you?

you are replying to a thread about that topic. isn't that obvious?

I reply to alot of topics I see posted here.

What does replying to a home page topic have to do with creating burner account to downvote someone, something I haven't done?

It seems you're feeling powerless because you don't know who this FuckZima is and you're sublimating that negative feeling into lashing out at those around you and in absence of the ability to affect FuckZima in any way downvoting bereavement blessings.

I don't care if you downvote every other post I've ever made—I'll link them to you—but that one was cold.

What if they guy think you hate his dead father being remembered instead of having beef with me?

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Omg this entire thread is incredible.

Yeah, I commented once earlier today and then just now popped back in to see if anything significant had been added, and wow, FfaeriOxide just cannot let go of this. It's just so totally obvious who Zima's "stalker" is at this point it's hilarious.

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Er... Are you suggesting that it's okay to harass someone you disagree with? That's pretty toxic, my guy.

Would you mind showing me where I said that?

I think you'll see I explicitly didn't condone the behavior OP accused "FuckZima" of and then proceeded to engage in themself.

By dismissing OPs concerns about harassment and suggesting OP is at fault because their opinions "suck", you are suggesting that OP is at fault for having the wrong opinions, and thus deserving any harassment they receive.

I never said that. but thanks for letting us know your true feelings. I'm pretty sure the stalker was offended for the same reason as you are, I'm pretty sure of his real account as well but it's irrelevant. what's rellevantt is that the fact that I don't think socialism is the best system ever doesn't mean you guys can create alt accoutns just to harrras me.

I never said that.

Really, this isn't you saying it's African's fault Europeans enslaved them?

Bro they literally sold each other to Europeans so he isn't wrong...

Shure its not good that they where bought, but man... Its past, Europe doesn't do that anymore (Noone alive is responsible for it) and Africans still sell each other to each other, slavery is very much alive there still.

(this is in no way pro slavery)

You seem to be side-stepping the whole "Europeans bought and bred humans" part.

No I'm not, that has just absolutely nothing to do with the fact that they where sold by Africans. I said that this is a different part of the story and definitely not good either.

I think the fact Europeans enslaved people have very much to do with the OP's claim that replacing direct enslavement with debt peonage at a later date more than made up for not only the original enslavement but later colonialism.

Blaming an oppressed group for their own oppression is not a good look.

You keep trying to put shit into a comment that was never in it. Thats called framing and false facts.

Oh and paying African countries mostly funds terrorism and war lords, so not paying is more helpful.

Wow, that's a whole new level of racism than I've ever seen.

Say, who established those borders you claim are constantly at war?
Any chance those were arbitrary lines ignoring local history and cultures by the people OP thinks did nothing to owe reparations over?

So stating facts is racism because they may hurt your feelings? Bro are you perhaps a little stupid?

So now your racist views are facts, are they?

They geopolitical equivalent of "...they'd just spend it on drugs." isn't you revealing your underlying racist assumptions, its a universal truth?

How 'bout that.

Bro its literally proven that most money doesn't do good for the people there and just funds Warlords and Slavery.

Also its questionable how some country is even entitled to get money from others for something that happened more than a lifetime ago.

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You keep trying to inverse/distort my claims. What is this fabrication about debt peonage? How does it relate to my actual statement?

I think he assume you read the comment he put in his comment when you where commenting. Which is pretty short and this is it:

"They paid the moral debt with interest when they forced Africa to stop enslaving their own people to sell them.

Anyone who doesn’t know this is unqualified to speak about it or is being dishonest."

I do get your point which was europe had stopped doing slavery themselves (tacitly given peasants, indentured servitude, wager slavery [which under globalism increased greatly]) but were fine buying them as a commodity and then just deciding they can commoditization the whole race given how different they looked (one reason natives were not enslaved on that scale). Thing with commoditization slavery is it really treated slaves like a commodity and was more brutal than the type of slavery taking place in africa and more seen in history. For anyone or anyone I am in no way condoing or endorsing slavery but it is a complicated historical subject but I would rather have been a slave in many cultures than the typical american colony one or a typical dark ages peasant.

I get that my comment was too brief so it can be misunderstood, and gives more room when someone wants to distort it. i ellaborated on it here below but in short I was talking about all the people that actually sailed to africa and went to war with pirates and africans that wouldn't stop ensalving their neighbors. this took many years. a lot of money and many european lives.

I think it comes down to sins. You can't make up for killing someone by saving a bunch of lives. Now it can be a powerful personal motivator but part of that motivator is recognizing it can never be made ok.

I concede the point. I should have said they already paid reparations with those acts of self sacrifice. which is the closest they can get to making things right. at least it seems like a much bigger sacrifice than a payment in cash.

oh well that makes sense. the idea money is going to somehow make slavery alright is crazy to. I likely missed context due to just reading a link to a comment from another thread so I missed a lot since the one person just brought it up.

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Why don't you quote what I said instead of your inversed/distorted version of it?

What are you trying to say then?

edit3: I should have started by pointing out that you could have read my comment in the first place if you really wanted to know what I wanted to say, it's unambiguous so there really should be no confusssion and it's clear i never referenced colllonialism or any of the other bullshit claims made here. given that you are voting down some of my other comments after this interaction shows your true intentions, even if you avoid voting down this one. it seems that some people still don't understand that all this info is public on the fediverse.

well It's not the real issue at point but if you want me to ellaborate. there is some really weird thing that happened during the enlightehment period where a lot of people in europe argued that slavery was not right, supposedly according to historians (and I'm still not buying this part as it seems too self serving) it was because it wasn't aligned with christian values. I'll spend some time looking into william rutheford when I have time to seee if there is any factual evidence behind this claim. anyways the point is that europeans spend massive amount of resources and their own lives ending the slave trade in africa by forcing africans to stop enslaving other africans. that's what I was talking about. I never said europeans enslaved or didn't slave anyone.

the context was a submission about reparations. i am not extremely knowledgable about history but my argument was that many europeans died ending the slave trade, be it against pirates, slave traders or diseases in africa, and they were not doing it for profit so anyone asking for reparations is denying all that sacrifice.

edit: since some people are claiming i'm an asshole as if that somehow justified the stalking i feel I shoudl clarify. the weird part is that those people were willing to pay a prize for their beliefes and embark on ships on expeditions where they literraly had no expectation of profit and were risking their lives. I'm not saying that's wrong . i'ts so incredibly admirable that I personally have a difficult time believing it. to put this in better context for current times in my views this is as if many people suddenly decided to give up their cozy lives in america and decided to go to third world countries to help them. it happens but it's nowhere near the volume of volunteers needed to uplift all people from poverty.

edit2: trolls might think that they "got me" by making me spend the time producing a real answer but in reality it just shows that oxide was lying and this people are either pro-slavery or just harrasing.

@Zima @FfaerieOxide regardless what you said or didn't say, this is the fediverse. mute/block them and move on, it's really all you can do.

if you're accountable to what you say then what do you care if others try to distort it? the truth is out there.

yes. as long as it's legimitate users. the moment they start creating fuckyou\ alt accounts just to harras I think they should be banned.

@Zima @FfaerieOxide also, exactly who would ban them on the fediverse

i don't think you understand how silly you are.

kbin admins/global mods. that's what I'm trying to find out from this post.

@Zima @FfaerieOxide stop being so silly. why would you come onto the internets, publicly post stuff that's apparently a little chaotic, and then not expect some backlash...?

and then you expect strangers to protect you from the free service they are paying for you to use...? why don't you just get better with your words? or post in places that are more supportive of whatever opinions you're promoting? or start your own instance?

i'm really getting a kick out of this.

I don't think that having some semblance of knowledge of history is chaotic. I do think that if admins want this instance to trhive they woudl address this types of issues if they have the resources. It doesn't matter if you don't agree.

@Zima @FfaerieOxide i understand why people make accounts like that about you. i've never even looked up anything else you have ever posted. just from this thread, i get it.

this interaction has now ended, if you choose to reply you're free to have the last word, i don't care. i'm muting you.

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