reminder rule to – 1037 points –

edit: GUYS fuck stalin and fuck tankies, period. i understand that this community is more sensitive than most to pro-stalinist vibes, and i apologize for unintentionally twinging that nerve, but you need stop calling each other (and me) slurs

good heavens, happy new year, fuck incarceration and murder in all forms

(mods pls also do your job and help with the slurs thing)

edit2: big thank u 2 da mods for helping with the slurs thing u guys rock 😎 💕


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“any and all of my country’s actions are beyond criticism because at least we didnt kill them

An important part of critical thinking is the ability to see flaws in comparisons and arguments even when they point towards conclusions you agree with. It’s telling that you interpreted their comment the way you did.

It's telling, the way you're talking about this. Unless OP is defending Stalin, something I've not seen evidence of. It's pointing out how hypocritical most criticisms of Stalin are. The whole point of it, whether it's 100% accurate. Is to bait hypocrites out into "but Stalin" bullshit. If their gulags are wrong. Maybe we should reevaluate our own similarly troubling practices.

Don't get me wrong, despite being libertarian Marxist. I'm wildly against Lenin, Stalin, Mao, hell Engles for that matter etc. But Americans general hypocrisy make our criticism pointless and largely mute. Making you and the other person ironically, the ones likely failing at critical thinking

You are probably the first libertarian marxist I have seen. It's an idea I played around with at one point.

my response was sarcasm and an intentional fallacy in the form of an appeal to incredulity for the sake of rhetoric ❤️

if you think that counts as an interpretation thats on u bestie

my response was sarcasm and an intentional fallacy in the form of an appeal to incredulity for the sake of rhetoric

My bullshit-english translator is a bit rusty, but all I'm getting out of this is "I intentionally wrote a wildly incorrect comment just for funsies" in which case fuck off

If you run it through the translator a second time, you get “lulz u got trolled”.

And if you run it through a third time, you get a recipe for an excellent strawberry pie, somehow.

you’re welcome yall 🥰🥧🍓

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Hey, hey. Come on, now. The United States doesn't just lock up brown people. We execute many on the spot, without provocation or probable cause. Credit where credit is due.

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