Fox News Segment Backfires When Psychic Predicts ‘Sense of Loss’ for Trump in 2024 to Not The – 788 points –
Fox News Psychic Predicts 'Sense of Loss' for Trump in 2024

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Isn't it technically 'light entertainment' or some shit so legally it's not obliged to report any facts?

They defended a slander lawsuit that was against Tucker Carlson. They suggested that no reasonable viewer would take what he said as fact. Seems pretty damning.

It’s like the Colbert Report, but for racists, and 24/7 on a channel.

Colbert doesn't just pull shit out of his ass though, AND he makes the news funny.

Fox just makes up whatever inflammatory bullshit will get their base riled up the most. They don't want them laughing, they want them irate and terrified with a Bible in one hand and a gun in the other, glued to the TV until they tell them it's time to act again.

True. I miss the Colbert report.

I do and I don't. It was very funny, but his current honest commentary is much more insightful. I almost wish we had two different Colberts.