These are the privacy permissions that you grant for Meta's new twitter competitor to – 2614 points –



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Why do all of Zucc companies terms and conditions have this air of desperation and grubbiness about them? 😂

No other services feel as slimy even though they're all doing mostly the same things.

Meta feels like you're interacting with a drug addicted stalker following you home

Seriously. Why does the Oculus app have to run in the background always using 2-3% of my cpu? They say it's to automatically start up when you connect the Rift but that should take like 0 resources. Can't even turn it off in startup options. You have to go into system tray or something to stop it. Facebook is just a spyware company and we all know it.

The Oculus desktop app is a bloated mess. I wish it was just a tray tool that provided what's necessary to connect Oculus Link and use PCVR apps. Instead it pops up a bloody window every time with zombies and what not and does not even allow you to minimize it to the tray.

Because they are desperate. Facebook has NEVER had any good original product ideas. Ever. Everything they've ever done was brought/stolen from somebody else, including Facebook. All the good things Facebook did are their open source stuff like React and GraphQL, which they don't really make money off.

So now, they are running out of ideas to steal/buy, they probably wanted to buy TikTok with Trump's help, but that failed, and they started a TikTok clone in Instagram Reels, that also failed, so they are trying to start a Twitter clone. No original ideas, EVER. It's as simple as that.

He became extra desperate after Apple blocked the ability for Facebook to track users

Is it safe to say that reels has failed? It definitely didn't eat tiktoks lunch but I've used reels loads without ever using TikTok. I think it largely an age/demographic thing.

Instagram is the only real brand they have left that's not bleeding users quickly (I don't know how they can make more money off Whatsapp), so that's why they are branding everything with Instagram now.

Reels was forced on Instagram users, I don't think they are getting any audience who got Instagram just to use reels.

It has failed with the demographic they were after, which is TikTok users lol