Alaska Airlines flight forced to make emergency landing after window blows out in mid-air to – 310 points –
Alaska Airlines flight forced to make emergency landing after window blows out in mid-air

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I feel like it's too late for Lemmy. The echo chamber is already pretty strong. I hope I'm wrong.

the flagship instance is

the software is made by tankies.

did you think this place was politically neutral? the whole fediverse is a fuck you to the status quo.

To be honest, I have nothing against socialists. I consider myself a soc Dem. I have many friends that are socialists. My issue is with how shallow and superficial the conversation is. Of your whole world thesis starts and ends with class warfare, there simply isn't much to discuss. There are no prescriptions- just empty rhetoric. At the end of the say it's horseshoe anti-establishment.


you can leave. do you need directions to reddit?

Why don't you provide counterargument. Or interesting conversation. Anything to instill that it's not just performative art form you guys.

performance art is a better use of time than shitting on people who challenges the status quo

The problem is that you're not actually contributing to the discussion. You're just parroting talking points and actively turning people away from your stance by being annoying.

It's not super dissimilar to what the trump cultists do.

calling me annoying doesn't change whether what im saying is true

No one is arguing that you're wrong. You can be right and still annoying about it.

You're not opening anyone's minds on this. You're just being one of the echos in the chamber and turning away people who support your cause.

It's the same as being one of those annoying vegans. Like, no shit factory farming is bad, but the average person isn't really in any position to make those changes.

>the average person isn’t really in any position to make those changes.

yet I'm told voting blue will make all the difference in there world.

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I'm trying to break through the echo chamber whenever I come across it, but it's a thankless endeavor, and I'm pretty close to giving up.

There's dozens of us haha. I think more people are tired of the empty rhetoric because it's not getting the same traction it used to. My suspicion is it's like the same three people posting the same comment everywhere.

Hand in hand with bots, possibly. I really want lemmy to succeed though, only thing driving me forward. Ah well, people haven't used their brains in the past, no reason to expect they will in the future...

are these bots in the room with you, now?

Yeah, I'm afraid they are, that's why I wrote that. What's your point?

get help

Do you have any proof that there are none on Lemmy? Reddit was full of them, no reason to think Lemmy isn't.

I'm also not saying there definitely are bots here, just that it's a very real option.

Pick better battles mate.

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