The White Buffalo to Lemmy – 815 points –

REMINDER: this is a shitpost


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You literally know nothing about my experiences but because I'm a man you immediately downplay them lmfao get bent and blocked

Nah it's cuz you described her being sexually physically and emotionally abused by dozens of men throughout her life as a sob story. You told on yourself.

A sad story that is used to sway other’s opinion of your actions is a “sob story”.

Username checks out

I'm sorry why is it okay to make fun of guys for being traumatized by women but not vice versa?

This is a legitimate question btw I'm not just trying to be an ass. My whole life was controlled by the women around me to the point I'll probably never be able to have a healthy relationship again and I wanna know why that's okay to make fun of.

I'm sorry why is it okay to make fun of guys for being traumatized by women but not vice versa?

Maybe we should extend compassion to everyone instead of removing it for "equality."

Sorry you had some shitty experiences with women, that sucks, but if your reaction is "everyone should get this shitty treatment" then I kinda lose sympathy for you because you're putting more hate into the world.

Do you even understand what quotation marks mean? WeirdGuy didn’t say that.

You sure as shit don't. They used the quotation marks just fine. So fine in fact, that this usage you are so against is a well established grammatical device, look up "scare quotes".

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Have you joined a men’s group? I have a similar history with women, and the men’s group is the only thing that could have helped me out of the hole they put me into.

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I'm sorry you've had bad experiences with women but that doesn't mean women can't also have bad lives.

He didn’t imply that it had. If you’d like to demonstrate your respect for this human being, read what he wrote.

I did. Up above he said that because other women have told him just because he's traumatized doesn't make it anyone else's business that he can hold the opinion that Jenny is a piece of shit.

He is using actions women have taken against him to justify his own callous attitude. Let me know if I misreading something.

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